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老外对你说“You excel me”是什么意思?可别翻译成“你表格我...






excel [ik'sel] 在英语中,作为动词主要有两个主要含义:


所以,当你听到别人对你说"You excel me",他们实际上是在表达你胜过了他或她。

例如:“He always hopes that his son will excel him someday.”意为“他总是希望他的儿子有天能胜过他。”


1. surpass [səˈpɑːs] - 例句:“He was determined to surpass the achievements of his older brothers.”意为“他决心超越几个哥哥的成就。”

2. exceed [ɪkˈsiːd] - 例句:“They exceed us in number.”意为“他们在人数上超过我们。”

3. transcend [trænˈsend] - 例句:“We can't transcend the limitations of the ego.”意为“我们无法超越自我的局限性。”

4. Tower over - 例句:“Don't worry. Our team towered over them.”意为“别担心,我们队比他们强。”

02Excel: 擅长

excel [ik'sel] 除了表示“超越,胜过”外,还有“擅长”的意思。


例如:“She excels in dancing.”意为“她在舞蹈方面出类拔萃。”

“She excels in teaching English.”意为“她擅长教英语。”


1. Expert at/in - 例句:“He is an expert on/at/in lung diseases.”意为“他是肺部疾病方面的专家。”

2. Be good at - 例句:“You have to be good at spotting trouble on the way and heading it off.”意为“你必须善于发现潜在的麻烦并加以化解。”

3. Do well in - 某方面干得好,例句:“He had a long head, he should do well in business.”意为“他很精明,做买卖应该是一把好手。”

4. Have a talent for - 有…的才能,例句:“He has a talent for music.”意为“他有音乐才能。”

5. Have a way with - 善于同…打交道,例句:“I have a way with people.”意为“我很擅长跟人打交道,处理人际关系。”

6. Master of - 精通…的能手,例句:“She was a master of the English language.”意为“她是英文高手。”

7. Be clever at - 擅长于,例句:“He's very clever at imitating his friends.”意为“他非常擅长于模仿朋友的言行。”

8. Have a good head for - 有才能,例句:“Jane seems to have a good head for business.”意为“简看起来很有经商的才能。”

9. Be accomplished in - 擅长, 精于,例句:“He is accomplished in numerous arts.”意为“他精通各种技艺。”

10. Shine at - 干得出色,例句:“He shines at tennis.”意为“他的网球打得好。”

11. Be skillful at - 熟练;熟悉,例句:“He is skillful at repairing bicycle.”意为“他是修理自行车的能手。”

12. Be an old hand at - 在 ... 方面富有经验,例句:“He is an old hand at fencing.”意为“击剑方面他是老手。”
