1. Beating around the bush - 拐弯抹角谈论事情,不直接给出答案。
例句: Speaker was just beating around the bush and never said anything important.
2. Bend over backwards - 尽全力做某事,尤其指公平或帮助他人。
例句: We will bend over backwards if the other party is committed.
3. Caved in to - 在压力下妥协或作出让步。
例句: Manager caved in to his demands after months of insisting.
4. Call the shots - 作为决定者,控制局面。
例句: You're the boss here - you get to call the shots.
5. Changed my mind - 改变主意。
例句: Changed my mind when I first met him.
6. Came in high/low - 收费过高/过低,报价过高/过低。
例句: Salesman came in high during negotiations, company came in low with a offer.
7. Find common ground - 同意某事,分享观点或兴趣。
例句: Participants unable to find common ground on environmental issue.
8. Cover ground - 谈论重要事实和细节。
例句: Unable to cover much ground during meeting due to endless questions.
9. Drew the line - 为自己愿意或接受的事情设定一个限度。
例句: Union flexible on salary issue but drew the line at health benefits.
10. Followed through with - 信守诺言。
例句: Boss said wages would improve but never followed through with promise.
11. Got the short end of the stick - 处于劣势或受到某事的不好的影响。
例句: She got the short end of the stick.
12. Hard-nosed - 态度强硬、固执或不妥协。
例句: Grandfather was such a hard nosed businessman.
13. Has a card up her sleeve - 留有对策,以备不时之需。
例句: Has a card up her sleeve if ever fired by boss.
14. Poker face - 面无表情。
例句: Kept a poker face throughout the presentation.
15. The upper hand - 处于优势地位或占了上风。
例句: President got the upper hand after hours of fierce negotiation.
16. Hit me below the belt - 用卑劣的手段攻击别人。
例句: Hit me below the belt by telling boss about personal problems.
17. Holds all the cards - 控制某人或某事。
例句: Management holds all the cards in negotiations over job cuts.
18. In the bag - 拿九稳,确定、成功、获得。
例句: Election is in the bag.
19. Lay my cards on the table - 直截了当地指出你的意图、观点。
例句: Will lay my cards on the table for you.
20. Gentleman's agreement - 基于信任而非法律约束的协议。
例句: No contract, just a gentleman's agreement.
21. Meet me halfway - 在争议或分歧中作出让步。
例句: Agree to some of your requests if you'll meet me halfway.
22. On the fence - 保持中立或观望态度。
例句: Consumers still on the fence waiting for cheaper alternatives.
23. Play hardball - 采取强硬手段以得到你想要的东西。
例句: He can play hardball when he needs to.
24. Put your foot down - 坚定立场或决定。
例句: Must put your foot down as a manager.
25. Second-guessing - 追根究底的询问或怀疑某人某事。
例句: Why are you second-guessing me now?
26. Sleep on - 把决定推迟到第二天,以便有更多时间考虑。
例句: Sleep on the offer and let us know your decision in the morning.
27. Stood her ground - 坚守自己的立场。
例句: Boss refused to change her opinion or give in.
28. The ball is in your court - 轮到某人决定或采取行动。
例句: Decision is now in your court.
29. Trump card - 控制某人或某事的杀手锏。
例句: Andrea's trump card - no signature, no money released.
30. Water under the bridge - 不可改变的过去。
例句: Disagreements are water under the bridge now.
31. A mile a minute - 非常快。
例句: Talks a mile a minute.
32. Drop me a line - 写信给我。
例句: Drop me a line if ever in New York.
33. Get it off your chest - 一吐为快。
例句: Tell me about it, get it off your chest.
34. I'm all ears - 洗耳恭听。
例句: Listening intently.
35. In the loop & out of the loop - 消息灵通/不灵通。
例句: Please keep me in the loop / kept out of the loop.
36. Like talking to a brick wall - 某人没有在听。
例句: Talking to a brick wall when trying to discuss it.
37. On the tip of my tongue - 有印象但是记不清楚。
例句: On the tip of my tongue.
38. Long story short - 长话短说。
例句: Anyway, long story short, moving to Germany.
39. Off the top of my head - 脱口而出。
例句: House worth around $160,000 off the top of my head.
40. Put me on the spot - 为难某人。
例句: Put me on the spot by asking about other projects.
41. Spread like wildfire - 流传非常快。
例句: Rumors spread like wildfire when excited.
42. Take something with a pinch of salt - 对此有所怀疑。
例句: Take everything she says with a pinch of salt.
43. Talking in riddles - 拐弯抹角说话。
例句: Stop talking in riddles and tell me what this is about.
44. Touch base - 与近期没有联络的人取得联系。
例句: Calling to touch base since weeks since last spoke.
45. Word-of-mouth - 通过人们的谈论传播。
例句: Most work through word-of-mouth recommendations.