In life, we tend to overlook the same as our "window of the soul" - the eyes, each of us will ignore it and will not protect it, but when you experience a blind person's life, you will know how important eye .
According to the World Health Organization estimates that: blind people around the world 40000000-45000000, low vision is 3 times the blind, about 1.4 million people; emerging in our country each year some 45 million people blind and low vision 1,350,000, an average of About every minute there will be a blind, 3 patients with low vision.
We used the lift for the normal function of the needs of the design did not take into account the visually impaired people. Care for people with disabilities in social context, we should consider the use of the blind lift the inconvenience of having to allow the blind to help others in the absence of circumstances can use their own elevator. The project seeks to lift the general on the basis of the blind for the provision of voice remote control device to control the elevator, the elevator can be made applicable to visually impaired people. So that the target for the blind through voice control of the elevator, the normal rise in decline, arrived at the designated floor.