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加拿大金融硕士(MBA)项目,无需工作经验基本就很难申请到好的学校了, 可以考虑读MA经济学科, 也是和商有关系的, 有可以申请到不错的学校。也没有GMAT,GRE的要求

M.A. Program in Economics (UBC)

China: We request that applicants from China have at least a completed Bachelor's degree when applying to the Department of Economics. Eligibility for the M.A. program in Economics requires a completed four-year Bachelor's degree with an overall B+ (85% or better). Eligibility for the Ph.D. program requires a Master's degree with first-class standing. Applicants must arrange for the submission of official transcripts and degree certificates in Chinese and certified English translations. All transcripts and degree certificates must be received in university envelopes sealed and endorsed by the issuing university.

MA Students (SFU)

The usual prerequisite for admission into the Master's Program is a Bachelor's degree in economics with a first or high second class standing. The minimum cumulative grade point average required for admission is 3.0. Students with strong backgrounds in disciplines other than economics may also be admitted as qualifying students to give them the opportunity to strengthen their economics background.


western ontario
york u
U of Toronto


加拿大的研究生很难申请 你要多和导师接触
