I wish you a happy New Year, good health and a happy family.
1、 元旦前夕,在个黑暗的角落里,划燃一根火柴,不顾那压抑着感情和焦油的胸腔,我愿为你再抽上一支烟,狠命想你。心中反复念叨着一句:朋友,节日快乐!
On New Year's Eve, I lit a match in a dark corner, ignoring my pent-up emotion and tar chest. I would like to smoke another cigarette for you and miss you hard. In my heart, I repeat: Happy holidays, my friend!
thousands of miles away, I stood by the quiet window sill, looking ahead through the atmosphere of the New Year. Time is frozen, and you are the bright spot in this landscape. I write my blessing on this picture with my heart! Happy new year!
3、 一朵花采了许久,枯萎也舍不得丢;一把伞撑了很久,雨停也想不起收;一条路走了很久,天黑也走不到头;一句话等了好久:祝元旦快乐!
a flower picked for a long time, wither also reluctant to lose; An umbrella held for a long time, the rain stopped also can't remember; A long walk, dark also can't walk the head; A word has been waiting for a long time: Happy New Year!
Stars appear charming at night, waves sound profound at sea, snowflakes feel romantic in winter, and I am very happy to have you among my friends. Best wishes to you for a happy New Year!