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以洋节和传统节日为题的 作文450字主要写中国与外国的不同





Western Holidays Celebrated in China 西方节日在中国 China has become more commercialized and less ideological,and the Chinese are enjoying more relaxed social control. 中国变得越来越商品化,缺乏的思想体系 As a result, they have adopted some Western holidays. 因此,他们采纳了很多西方节日。 While Chinese, mostly young people, celebrate them for fun, businessmen see a great opportunity to make money.与此同时,大多数年轻人为了好玩而庆祝这些节日,商家却看到了这个赚钱的大好机会。 Valentine's Day 情人节 It has become as big a holiday among the young Chinese as it does in the rest of the world. 它已经像在世界其他国家一样,成为中国年轻人中一个很重要(或流行)的节日。 Greeting cards and flowers, predominantly roses, are sold in the millions. 祝福卡片和花,尤其是玫瑰花,简直天价出售。 The Chinese, however, limit the present giving to their spouses, lovers, and sex partners while in the West, candies can be given to friends and colleagues. 然而,在中国,只限于送礼物给他们的配偶,爱人,和性伴侣,但在西方,节日的甜蜜可以给朋友或同事。 This difference may be attributed to
