Criss Angel,这位广受崇拜的英雄想转型为大众传媒巨星。安吉尔可谓是魔术界的摇滚明星,总以一身怀旧礼服登场,身边靓女和孩童相伴,上演老套的戏法——偏好于痛苦、极大的危险以及露骨的性。安吉尔的魔术总是和利润率、再投资、多样化紧密相连。你期待看到李(Tommy Lee),但出现了特朗普(Donald Trump),只是头发更漂亮了。
然而,魔术师要摇身一变成为超级巨星简直是“天方夜谭”,工业贸易杂志《天才》(Genii)的编辑考夫曼(Richard Kaufman)这样认为。在他看来只有6位魔术师做到了,从霍迪尼到布兰恩(David Blaine),并且“安吉尔将会是下一个”。
明年春天,安吉尔可能展开3个月的亚洲巡演,预计收入可达300万美元。同时,魔术、DVD光盘、品牌赞助、宣讲会、美国巡演、拉斯维加斯赌场表演计划都在筹备过程中。安吉尔年收入150万美元,他的助手们梦想突破大卫·科波菲尔(David Copperfield)5,700万美元的年收入。“电视节目提供给我一种内置的行销方式。不花钱进行再投资,我们就创造不出更多的艺术。”安吉尔如是说。更多的艺术作品意味着更多的金钱。
作者:Penny 出处:魔术吧 日期:2005-10-19
Episode 1街头魔法阵
T.H.E.M. combines the voyeurism of a hidden camera show with unbelievable illusions and unsuspecting victims. A gang of talented street magicians sets up various scenarios to lure in potential unsuspecting targets. After the team has amazed viewers and bewildered their victims, they reveal themselves to the target — as one of T.H.E.M. The specials include a colorful collection of amazing acts, including a man's head that appears to fall off after a violent cough, a woman disappearing in thin air at a popular nightclub, and a serious puncture wound that miraculously heals within seconds. The entertaining and unpredictable results combined with the amazing talents of today's hottest magicians and illusionists will leave you dazzled by T.H.E.M. Ken Mok is the executive procer and the show is proced by NBC Studios.
Episode 2 街头魔法阵
一个真正的街头行为艺术T.H.E.M. (Totally Hidden Extreme Magic),一班街头魔术师他们艺高胆大,在街头同人倾偈途中突然表现甩头魔术,美女又在酒吧中突然消失於一阵烟之中,仲当街用利器插自己,几秒后又奇迹复原,搅到途人吓餐死,他们更配合隐蔽摄录机,把途人吓餐死过程公诸於世。
T.H.E.M. (Totally Hidden Extreme Magic) combines the voyeurism of a hidden camera show with unbelievable illusions and unsuspecting victims. A gang of talented street magicians sets up various scenarios to lure in potential unsuspecting targets. After the team has amazed viewers and bewildered their victims, they reveal themselves to the target — as one of T.H.E.M. The specials include a colorful collection of amazing acts, including a man's head that appears to fall off after a violent cough, a woman disappearing in thin air at a popular nightclub, and a serious puncture wound that miraculously heals within seconds. The entertaining and unpredictable results combined with the amazing talents of today's hottest magicians and illusionists will leave you dazzled by T.H.E.M. Ken Mok is the executive procer and the show is proced by NBC Studios.
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