Whales 鲸鱼
1. Everyone has heard about whales. What a beautiful sight it must be to sea a whale. It is no wonder so many stories have been written about them. In years gone by, men sailed in ships that did not take them back to their homes for many years. Their job was to capture whales. They sold certain parts of the whales to people for different uses. The whale was valuable because it was not easy to get. Whaling is not a job for many people any more. We no longer need very much of anything from whales.
2. There have been many stories written about whales. They are good stories to read because they always tell of adventure.
3. To enjoy a story about whales it is a good idea to learn as much about them as you can. Aboard the whaling ship you would hear a man shout: "There she blows! Whale off the starboard bow!"
4. The lookout on a whaling ship has sighted a spouting whale. All hands spring to their jobs. The harpooner takes aim with his gun and fires. There is a short fight. The whale is dead. Its body is taken aboard the ship. A crew of men sets to work stripping the great whale of its blubber.
5. The thick fat, or blubber, under the whale's skin protects the animal against cold waters. It is for the valuable oil in blubber that whales are hunted.
6. Although whales spend their lives in water, hey are not fish. Whales cannot breathe under water, but must come above water for air every thirty or forty minutes. The whales' lookouts watch for the misty steam of water when the whales exhale.
7. One group of whales has, instead of teeth, long strips of bone, hanging from their upper jaw. This is the baleen whale, the largest animal in the world. Although it may weigh as much as twenty elephants, this giant of the sea feeds on sea plants and animals. It strains the tiny plants and animals through its bone strips. Some of the kinds of whales are the blue whale, the humpback, the gray whale, and the white whale.
8. Once whales were hunted for whale-bone as well as for blubber. So many whales were killed that it was feared they might die out. An international code was set up to protect them.
9. The sperm whale is dangerous. It fights and kills. It often dives thousands of feet down into the ocean in search of its favorite dinner. It likes to eat the giant squid.
10. There in the darkness, the two monsters fight a terrible battle of life and death. The whale matches its strength and weight against the moving arms of the great squid. Many a whale catties battle scars that were left by a squid's fierce struggles.
11. The giant sperm whale is the only whale whose mouth is large enough to hold a man. It could turn over the early whaling boats with one lash of its powerful tail. The dangers and the excitement of those whaling days are written in the Herman Melville's story of the white whale, Moby Dick.
巨大的抹香鲸是唯一嘴大得足以吞下一个人的鲸鱼。它能用它有力的尾巴猛烈一甩打翻早期的捕鲸船。那些捕鲸时期的危险和刺激,被赫尔曼·梅尔维利先生记录在一个关于白鲸的故事里:“MOBY DICK”。
12. Eskimos use many parts of the whale. They make its hide into clothing and its flesh into food. The blubber is used for fuel. Oil from the whale's head is burned in lamps.
13. When a sperm whale is sick, it many proce a fatty substance called ambergris. Strangely enough, this greasy, ill-smelling proct is used in making fine perfumes, The sperm whale has about thirty teeth in its lower jaw. It belongs to a group of whales called toothed whales. Other toothed whales are the bottlenose, the beaked whale, and the white whale.
参考资料:鲸鱼的介绍(中英对照版) [::肖邦::]