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The chemistry modifier electrode is an electrochemistry and electricity analytical chemistry that is newly arisen and also stimulates most currently that the mid 70's in 20th century deveolps of previous follow realm.The chemistry modifier electrode designs in the electrode surface progress molecule, will have the molecule, ion and polymer of good chemical properties are fixed with the form of the chemistry thin film in the electrode surface, make the electrode have a certain and specific chemistry and electrochemistry quality.The chemistry modifier electrode expanded the search realm of electrochemistry and had already been more applied than life, environment, fuel, analysis, electron and material to learn various multiaspect of etc. currently.

In recent years, the chemistry polished electrode to obtain many meaningful results in the aspects of giving or getting an electric shock a catalyst, optoelectronics catalyst and asymmetry organic composition and electrochemistry spreading a feeling machine, giving or getting an electric shock color display, organic having no machine power Xi waiting, it has become function material, organic electrochemistry and electricity for deci
