你真幽默啊! 固定短语,谁能说明为什么啊?给你详细的break up短语的意思,你看看有没有规律。供你参考!
break 'up
1 to separate into smaller pieces 粉碎;破碎 : The ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁撞碎了。
2 to come to an end 结束 : Their marriage has broken up. 他们的婚姻已经破裂。 —related noun break-up
3 to go away in different directions 散开;解散 : The meeting broke up at eleven o'clock. 会议在十一点散会。
4 (especially BrE) to begin the holidays when school closes at the end of a term (学校)期终放假 : When do you break up for Christmas? 你们什麼时候放假过圣诞节?
5 (BrE) to become very weak 变得虚弱;垮掉 : He was breaking up under the strain. 过度的劳累使他快要垮了。
6 (NAmE) to laugh very hard 捧腹大笑 : Woody Allen makes me just break up. 伍迪 艾伦令我几乎笑破肚皮。
7 when a person who is talking on a mobile phone/ cellphone breaks up, you can no longer hear them clearly because the signal has been interrupted (打移动电话的人)声音不清(因信号受干扰)
break sth'up
1 to make sth separate into smaller pieces; to divide sth into smaller parts 拆开;打散 : The ship was broken up for scrap metal. 船被拆解成为废铁。 ◊ Sentences can be broken up into clauses. 句子可以分成从句。
2 to end a relationship, a company, etc. 结束(关系);关闭(公司) : They decided to break up the partnership. 他们决定拆夥。 —related noun break-up
3 to make people leave sth or stop doing sth, especially by using force (尤指用武力)迫使放弃(某事) : Police were called in to break up the fight. 有人叫来了*制止打斗。
break 'up (with sb) to end a relationship with sb (同某人)绝交 : She's just broken up with her boyfriend. 她刚刚和男朋友分手。 —related noun break-up 'break with sth to end a connection with sth 和某事终止关联;破除 : to break with tradition/old habits/the past 破除传统╱旧习惯╱过去的东西
break 'up
1 to separate into smaller pieces 粉碎;破碎 : The ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁撞碎了。
2 to come to an end 结束 : Their marriage has broken up. 他们的婚姻已经破裂。 —related noun break-up
3 to go away in different directions 散开;解散 : The meeting broke up at eleven o'clock. 会议在十一点散会。
4 (especially BrE) to begin the holidays when school closes at the end of a term (学校)期终放假 : When do you break up for Christmas? 你们什麼时候放假过圣诞节?
5 (BrE) to become very weak 变得虚弱;垮掉 : He was breaking up under the strain. 过度的劳累使他快要垮了。
6 (NAmE) to laugh very hard 捧腹大笑 : Woody Allen makes me just break up. 伍迪 艾伦令我几乎笑破肚皮。
7 when a person who is talking on a mobile phone/ cellphone breaks up, you can no longer hear them clearly because the signal has been interrupted (打移动电话的人)声音不清(因信号受干扰)
break sth'up
1 to make sth separate into smaller pieces; to divide sth into smaller parts 拆开;打散 : The ship was broken up for scrap metal. 船被拆解成为废铁。 ◊ Sentences can be broken up into clauses. 句子可以分成从句。
2 to end a relationship, a company, etc. 结束(关系);关闭(公司) : They decided to break up the partnership. 他们决定拆夥。 —related noun break-up
3 to make people leave sth or stop doing sth, especially by using force (尤指用武力)迫使放弃(某事) : Police were called in to break up the fight. 有人叫来了*制止打斗。
break 'up (with sb) to end a relationship with sb (同某人)绝交 : She's just broken up with her boyfriend. 她刚刚和男朋友分手。 —related noun break-up 'break with sth to end a connection with sth 和某事终止关联;破除 : to break with tradition/old habits/the past 破除传统╱旧习惯╱过去的东西追问一种语言的形成怎么可能没规律?