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跪求外国电影英语影评!! 要求:有台词,有翻译,不要太难,不要太长,最晚明天中午告我答案,急用,谢了





泰坦尼克号英语影评为:Titanic enriches us with a romantic story of young love, passion and feelings, full of dreams .This is one of the films that most shocked the general public in the last twenty years. The story of Titannic is full of strength and feeling, with great dramatic content.and amazing words:"God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former world has passed away “. Success is understandable If we add the stunning beauty of the image, thanks to advances in digital technology . Fairy successful movie, which tells the story of the sinking of the ship, but in the background shows a passionate love story. It achieves a harmonious balance in that, in the mix of history and feelings, and makes it almost perfect.




电影Avengers Assemble的影评介绍。若不合意,请指出所要电影名字。

What a difference an opening makes.
the one to Marvel’s A-team epic: a mournful voice laments lives lost
over shots of a hero’s mangled mask discarded in rubble.
Take it –
that’s what Joss Whedon did, consigning S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Maria Hill’s
framing narration to the deleted-scene zone and leaving the ‘broken
mask’ marketing window open for another summer movie to fill.
It was a smart cut; if The Dark Knight Rises thrived on whipping up worry over the trilogy’s exit strategy, Avengers Assemble was about making the right entrance.
what sometimes felt like five years of extended (if fun)
movies-as-trailers, it saw Marvel’s multifranchise shake’n’bake gamble
truly deliver a primary-coloured, bumper-pack alternative to DC’s
Post-9/11 dread being Chris Nolan’s beat, May 2012
wasn’t the time for fear; it was the time for fun. That didn’t mean
Whedon’s movie would be a walk in the park, though.
Sure, show a
kid a sand-box or airlift a geek into Comic-Con: the chances of either
not enjoying it seem on paper about as likely as pop-culture guru Whedon
not revelling in the movie equivalent. But as Hill’s edited end
voiceover suggests – with hints of meta echoing Whedon’s other 2012 hit,
The Cabin In The Woods – uniting six Marvel icons could have been “absolutely a bad idea”. Super sequels can buckle with escalation.
chance does a six-quel have? Is there room for a movie among the moving
parts? Will it descend into a deluge of fan-fic cool shit? The answers,
in reverse order, are ‘Only in a good way’, ‘Yes’ and ‘Plenty, with
Whedon in charge’.
Trained in Buffy’s bicker’n’bond school of
ensemble smarts and tight pacing, Whedon knows how to stir sparking
character dynamics into propulsive plotting with the right ratio of
heart, humour and action heat.
First stop? Humour. “The glory of
the Avengers is the dissonance,” he enthuses in the extras, as the alien
god, quip-cracking billionaire, Nazi-bashing boy scout, green-skinned
monster, flame-haired high-kicker and laser-eyed Legolas converge.
Whedon snark bombs fly. The movie almost equalled its box office take
in its ZPM (zingers per minute) rate; the pleasure is in their measure,
not in their number.
Giving every hero the gag they need, Whedon
doesn’t just assemble the Avengers, proction line-style: he sharpens
them. Tony Stark is quippier, Thor loftier, Steve Rogers nobler, Natasha
Romanoff scrappier.
Newcomer (Thor
cameo aside) Clint Barton/Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) is underused
initially, but he graally gets more money shots than arrows fired by
Orlando Bloom in The Lord Of The Rings.
surest proof of Whedon’s wiles is Bruce Banner, previously resistant to
film success but here slam-nked. Mark Ruffalo nails the role, his
sleepy persona summoning the sense of a man struggling to keep a lid on
some... thing.
Meanwhile, Whedon’s teamplay know-how resonates in
the recognition that a little Hulk goes a long way: treating him as a
weapon to be deployed cautiously and then only for maximum chaos, he
builds tension slowly up to the first Hulk-out then gives the emerald
icon the best punchlines.
Revelling in the characters’ possibilities, Whedon has shaped the most shamelessly enjoyable super-pic around.
the good times a-go-go though, danger levels are neglected. Loki is
terrific, Tom Hiddleston brimming with arrogance as he relishes Whedon’s
verbosity, lamenting the burdens of “glorious purpose” and boo-hiss
dissing Romanoff as a “mewling quim”.
But his alien army’s lack of purpose and personality leave a hole in a climactic CG scrap straight out of Transformers 3.
his TV roots, Whedon shows impressive savvy in combining smarts with
mega-screen wonder in character-based ruckuses (the fight in the woods,
say) and fan-pleasing dosh shots (the Helicarrier’s rise), so it’s a
shame to see him steer this close to generic FX Bayhem.
This is the heroes’ jamboree, though: a celebration, not a The Dark Knight Rises-style
sayonara. So the villains take second place behind the need to give
each lead their moment, from quip-offs to glory in battle, a need Whedon
expertly pulls off.
Pity the disc extras aren’t cause for
additional celebration, then. The ‘Item 47’ short is playful, spiralling
off from the rumble in New York and establishing characters you might
like to revisit; the gag reel taps the right comic spirit; deleted-scene
gems include Rogers browsing clippings of the dead, a soulful interlude
that perhaps should have stayed in the film.
Otherwise, ‘A Visual Journey’ sees the DoP marvelling at the NASA set’s scale but stalls at an under-scaled six minutes.
The Stark-heavy 90-minute doc maps the road to Avengers Assemble
but dilutes the recent nostalgia kick of seeing the Marvel-verse grow
with familiarity: new interviews and footage feature but so does
material seen on earlier Marvel discs.
Still, Christmas is coming.
A double-dipper set seems almost as likely as a sequel, and it’s to
Marvel’s credit that Whedon’s high-grade hit delivers enough fun to
justify both.
Avengers 2 will face bigger challenges, of
course: like, how will it add new characters (Spidey? Ant-Man? Howard
The Duck?) without just reheating Whedon’s recipe? And can the threats be threat-ier without spoiling the fun? Avengers Assemble is surely just the beginning, but as opening gambits go it’s a jubilant one.Or, as Hill’s snipped voice-over understates, “it worked
