发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 14:28
热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 06:36
试想,图书管理员把书找给了学生,那么这个对话接下来的故事情节只能是Thank you, bye了。
1. problem, 即学生出现一个问题;
2. solutions, 老师提出一些问题的解决方案,通常这部分的内容会出现好几个解决方案;
3. result, 问题的处理结果;
4. development, 跟话题本身相关的内容扩展延伸。
比如TPO 41 Lecture 1, 这是一篇botany的讲座文章,主题是在讲Different ways that plants have adapted to desert environments.
主旨以外全篇文章分成了三段话,分别讲了三种植物——succulent plant、drought-tolerant plant、annual plant这三段话。
Many different species have developed each of the adaptations. So, first off, there are succulent plants…now, besides succulent plants, there’re also drought-tolerant plants…the third adaptive strategy is to avoid the drought conditions altogether. Yes! There are plants that do this: annual plants!
2. What are two features of succulent plants that help them survive in deserts?
3. Why does the professor mention bears?
4. What is one ability that drought-tolerant plants have that succulent plants do not have?
5. Why can annual plants grow in a desert even after a year of no rainfall?
以上是这篇文章所对应的题目,从出题的角度来讲,这篇平级并列就是考到了文章中讲到的三种植物succulent plant、drought-tolerant plant、annual plant,每个段落考一种。
比如在TPO 26 Lecture 1 advertising class中,文章交代好背景以后,就开始例子的讲解了。
The seeds for green marketing were probably planted in 1970, when the first Earth Day took place. Rallies all over the United States were organized to protest environmental degradation. Some 20 million demonstrators participated in that first Earth Day. And it helped spark dozens of environmental laws… A few years later, we began seeing ads tapping into people’s environmental concerns. But some green marketers learned the hard way, green marketing must still involve all the same principles of a traditional marketing campaign. You ad must attract attention, stimulate consumers’ interest, create a desire for your proct, and motivate people to take action to buy your proct. So let me tell you about one green marketing campaign that failed at first and explain why. It was a compact fluorescent light bulb.
7. How does the professor organize the lecture?
A. She gives some historical background, then she presents a case study.
B. She describes several environmental friendly procts, and then she explains how the public responded to them.
C. She describes a problem, and then she proposes several possible solutions.
D. She describes an approach to advertising, and then she explains why it is often ineffective.
这道题目就是举例结构文章的典型,答案应该是A选项,在交代了historical background以后就开始说case study了。
比如TPO 42 Lecture 1 art history的文章中就是如此,文章前半部分讲的是sculpture的各种内容,后半部分在讲一个例子,Augustus这个雕像塑像的实例。
而在主旨题的考察中A选项To explain why a particular statue of a Roman emperor is so famous.这个选项中的Roman emperor就是Augustus这个例子本身,所以不可能作为主旨题的答案。
比如TPO 26 Lecture 2, 文章先讲主题The role trace metals play in carbon cycling,然后再讲了respiration呼吸作用以及photosynthesis光合作用,接着讲的是diatom藻类,再讲cadmium镉。算是环环相扣,一段接一段。
对比类文章结构在托福听力所有的文章类型中是比较少的。最典型的是TPO 5 Lecture 4,主旨是Differences between fairy tale and folktale。
全文就讲了三个点:1. folk tale是什么;2. fairy tale是什么;3. folk tale和fairy tale的共同点和不同点。
过程类文章结构是几种文章结构中最难的了,通常可能出现在地质学geology、environmental science或者art history中。
比如在TPO 9 Lecture 2 environmental science文章中讲到了一个词permafrost, 而这个词在很多段落中都出现了。
The tundra has two layers: top layer, which is called the active layer, is frozen in the winter and spring, but thaws in the summer. Beneath this active layer is the second layer called "permafrost", which is frozen all year around, and is impermeable to water. (0: 49-0:55) and their roots don't grow very deep, so the permafrost doesn't interfere with their growth. (1:13-1:18) they live in the active layer, which, remember, contains water that doesn't penetrate the permafrost. (2:39-2:45)
第一题B. How temperature increases might be affecting the permafrost in Arctic Alaska.
第二题A. They have roots that can penetrate permafrost.
第三题C. Increases in average winter temperatures have permafrost permeable to water.
第四题C. Most nutrients remain frozen in the permafrost when spring runoff is at its peak.
热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 07:54
在托福听力中,最常见的文章有三种:总分结构,对比结构以及递进式。递进式的文章是通常是要介绍某一事物,同是什么—为什么—怎么做—发展前景这种大家熟悉的结构很相似,这里就不再赘述了。总分结构也就是并列结构,文章开头会点明要讲述的事物,然后下文会从不同方面对其进行讲解。比如TPO 17 Lecture 4讲了章鱼Octopus的防御机制,文章从三个方面讲章鱼是怎么逃避猎食者的:改变自身颜色、改变皮肤质地和改变大小和形状。而题目也和这些方面相对应。第一题主旨题考查的就是本文的关键词octopus’ defense mechanism, 第二是考了一个文章的类比,把章鱼比作希腊神话的神,而三、四、五题分别考查了章鱼三种防御机制。这是很典型的一篇并列结构的文章。TPO中其它并列结构的文章还有TPO 17 L2、TPO 4 L3、TPO 6 L1等等。
对比结构同样也是十分常见的文章类型。对比的通常是两种事物之间的相同点和不同点。以TPO 5 Lecture 4为例,这篇Lecture讲了童话故事和民间传说之间的相同点和不同点。文章开头对童话和民间传说分别定义,然后再说明了二者的不同特点并进行对比。比如童话是给小孩子看的,版本比较固定,且语言较正式;而民间传说语言不那么正式,没有固定的版本而是每个社区团体有自己的版本,目标读者是成年人。这篇Lecture的题目中有一表格题,需要同学们判断每一观点是属于哪一类的题材。如果同学们对于对比结构很熟悉,且做笔记时将二者对比记录,表格这一同学们眼中最头疼的题型之一将不会成为问题。
热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 09:29
TPO 22 Lecture 3 Zoology这篇文章是生物学里较难的一篇,除了词汇比较专业外,文章的结构也不好把握。这篇文章也是TPO里非常少见的前面两分多钟对于主旨的引入部分没有出题的文章。
在文章开始,教授用较大篇幅介绍了物种大灭绝的概念以及我们正在经历的物种灭绝等背景知识,然后过渡引入到由于物种灭绝所要实施的Pleistocene rewilding,之后下文才开始进入真正的主旨部分:即Pleistocene rewilding的出发点和所引起的争议等。
What is the lecture mainly about?
A.A proposal to identify all the animals that become extinct ring the Pleistocene epoch
B.A strategy for reintrocing native plants to an ecosystem
C.A process for identifying alternative habitats for large animals
D.A proposal to re-create features of ecosystems of the Pleistocene epoch
A 选项属于臆想答案,是借助文章中出现的部分名词拼凑的偏离文意的答案,最先排除。
B 选项是以偏概全,而且概述本身也是错误的。文中说的是Pleistocene rewilding的一部分工作包括introce elephants into that ecosystem and they might disperse those large maclura seeds,是把动物引入到那个ecosystem里,而非选项中的reintroce plants. 另外,在听文章的过程中,如果听到的内容只在文章的某一部分出现过,而非贯穿文章始终的,就不能做文章的主旨。如B选项中的plants我们是只在文章中后部的地方听到过的,所以排除B。
C 选项属于迷惑性比较强的选项,因为其中有alternative habitats for large animals,而Pleistocene rewilding就是想为大型动物重建一个habitat. 但是,C选项中的process是一个表示纵向顺序或过程的词,而我们在文中听到的主要内容并没有涉及顺序或过程,而是可以明确区分层次的并列内容,所以这个词可以作为一个排除点。另外,Pleistocene rewilding也不只停留到identifying的层面,而是想要具体实施建设的提议。所以根据这点,C选项也可以排除。所以本题的正确答案是D选项。
TPO听力文章中,如本篇文章结构的非常少见,和它结构类似的可以参照TPO 3 Lecture 4天文学那篇。但不同的是,TPO 3的文章在前面背景知识铺垫时有题点。