问题一:你很漂亮英文怎么说 eres muy hermosa; you are very beautiful; your very beautiful; You're beautiful
问题二:你很漂亮!用英语怎么说? 你很漂亮!用英语表示为:you are very beautiful.
Hi, you very beautiful, Can bee friends?
问题三:你也很漂亮。用英文怎么说? 5分 you are beautiful too!
问题四:你依然那么漂亮用英文怎么说 [I am a professional English teacher, you can feel free to us畅 with no worries.]
1. You still look so great
2. You still look so beautiful
3. You still look so pretty
4. You still look so gorgeous
问题五:你很漂亮你的身材很棒用英语怎么说 you are very beautiful and your shape is so great.
问题六:“你真漂亮”用英语怎么说 How beautiful you are! 或者是:You are very beautiful. 前面的那句语气更强,更能表达你是多么的漂亮啊
问题七:你眼睛真漂亮用英语怎么说? Your eyes are very beautiful.
You have very beautiful eyes.
问题八:你今天看起来很漂亮 英语怎么说 you look even more stunning then you usually do
问题九:你很漂亮用英语怎么说 You are a beautiful girl.女
You are a handsome boy.男
问题十:“我是不是很漂亮?”用英语怎么说? what is my beautiful?