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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 08:17



热心网友 时间:2022-07-13 07:10

1. I'm starting to do my homework.
b. Rachel is starting to do her homework.

2. Why not go out and take a breath?
b. Why not go out and having fun with Rachel?

3. I'm skiing on the slopes.
b. Rachel is skiing on the slopes.
(这两句不知道可不可以, 抱歉我水平不够..)
c. I went skiing last year.
d. I'll go skiing with Rachel next term.

4.I am finding a good place to visit.
b.Rachel finds a good place to visit.
c.I found a good place to visit.
d.I'll find a good place to visit.

5.Our country is famous for tea.
b.France is famous for its food.
c.Michelangelo was famous for his paintings and sculptures.
(真的想不出来了...抱歉啊, 对于时态真的不认识 =,- 对不起对不起..希望能帮到你...)

热心网友 时间:2022-07-13 07:10

