专利名称:Nonvolatile memory device with upper
source plane and buried bit line
发明人:Young-Ok Hong申请号:US13608652申请日:20120910公开号:US09000510B2公开日:20150407
摘要:A nonvolatile memory device includes: a channel layer extending in a verticaldirection from a substrate; a plurality of interlayer dielectric layers and word linesalternately stacked along the channel layer over the substrate; a bit line formed under
plurality of interlayer dielectric layers and word lines, coupled to the channel layer, andextending in a direction crossing the word lines; and a common source layer coupled tothe channel layer and formed over the plurality of interlayer dielectric layers and wordlines.
申请人:Young-Ok Hong
地址:Gyeonggi-do KR
代理机构:IP&T Group LLP