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经济学人:Uber in turmoil 动荡的优步


本文来自《经济学人》The Economist June 17th 2017 Leaders专栏

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Uber in turmoil


Taxi for Travis



特朗普激怒了美国人民,于是大家纷纷把 Uber 删了


The ride-hailing giant needs to fix its reputation. To do so properly, its boss mustgo


IT HAS been a wild ride. Seven years ago Uber launched itself as an app connecting well-heeled users with near by limousines. It has since become the most prominent tech startup in the world,with a valuation of $70bn. The company’shard-charging culture—embodied in Travis Kalanick, Uber’s cofounder and boss—was celebrated, not questioned.





No longer. Thefirm is fending off accusations of stealing autonomous-cartechnology. It is being investigated for allegedly designing software to identify and evade transport regulators. Most toxic are charges of rampant sexism. MrKalanick and his band of brothers created a workplace more reminiscent of a bar than a business. For months a lawfirm hasinvestigated whatare believed to bemore than 200 claims of misconduct, including sexualharassment, discrimination and bullying.


Fend off避开 回避(难题

Allege没有证据的断言 据说



Misconduct失职 行为不当 不端

Claim要求合法权利demand legal right


Uber is belatedly making efforts tofix things. As a result of the inquiry into sexual harassment, more than 20 employees and executives have been dismissed. Uber is going to strengthen itsboard, which has been under the thumb of Mr Kalanick and two others, whotogether control a majority of the voting rights; an independent chairman is planned.The firm will do other things differently, too: more performance reviews, lessbooze and no sex between a manager and an underling.

优步修复名誉为时已晚。性骚扰的调查结果导致超过二十名员工和管理人员被解雇。优步准备增补它的董事会,然而现在的董事会完全受制于卡兰尼克和另外两人,三人一同控制了公司主要投票权。预计将来会增加一名独立的主席 优步还会做一些其他的打算 比如更多的业绩回顾 少一些酒精 不允许经历和下属之间有不当男女关系

belated 迟来的;晚出现的

under the thumb 完全受人支配;受制于人

booze 酒精饮料

underling 走卒;喽啰;手下;下属


So far, so bleeding obvious. The big question is over Mr Kalanick himself. He said this week that he will take an indefinite leave of absence, in part to grieve for his mother, who was killed in a recent accident, and in part to“workon himself”. Uber is searching for a chief operating officer to help him to run the firm when he returns.It hopes all this will be enough to reboot its culture and its reputation. In truth, that is possible only with Mr Kalanick’spermanent departure.

目前为止,优步尚未止血。最大的问题就是卡兰尼克先生本人。他声称本周开始将会无限期休假,一方面是为了他事故中痛失母亲,另一方面是做一些“自己的工作”。优步正在寻找一名首席运营官,当卡兰尼克回归时帮助他运营公司 希望这样能给企业文化和名誉带来新的重生然而事实上 只有卡兰尼克永远离职这一切才有可能

ndefinite |ɪnˈdefɪnət|无限期的;期限不定的

At any normal company, he would have been fired by now. He is culpable for its failings; its culture was created in his image. But Mr Kalanick will not go unless he and his two co-majority shareholders so decide. He can marshal arguments that Uber continues to thrive: it reported record revenues in the first quarter of this year. Yet if he cares for Uber’s, and hisown, long-term financial health, a clean break makes more sense.

在其他正常的公司,卡兰尼克现在就被炒了。他对他的种种错误难辞其咎公司的文化是按照它的蓝图发展的,但除非卡兰尼克和他另外两个主要股东决定,他是不会离职的。他可以收集优步仍在持续发展的业绩数据 反映出今年第一季度利润报告。如果他真的在意优步和自己的长期收益的健康一个干干净净的了断更有意义。

1 culpable |ˈkʌlpəbl|应受责备的;难辞其咎的

2 failings弱点;缺点

3 marshal |ˈmɑ:ʃl;美ˈmɑ:rʃl|结集;收集;安排

The firm’s problems have started to take a toll. In the past five months Uber’s market share inAmerica, its most important market, has declined by 7%; even investors in thefirm admit to feeling embarrassed getting into an Uber vehicle. Uber is havingto work harder to recruit the best engineers.


take a toll产生负面影响

The spectre of the past will continueto loom large, thanks to litigation and government probes. Dirty laundry keepscoming out. Another executive,who had obtained the confidential health records of a woman who had been raped by an Uber driver in India, was fired this month after mediaquestioning.At the veryboard meeting called to draw a line under Uber’s sexist culture, a director resignedafter joking that women talk too much. Yet more scandals almost certainly lurk.Each one willreinforcethe idea that Uber cannot change so long as Mr Kalanick remains in charge.




Probe探查 探索

Dirty laundry不可告人的秘密

Confidential机密的 获得信任的

Draw a line under something给一些事划清界限

Frat’syour lot

Uber’s culture is not unique; it has lessons for the rest of Silicon Valley, too. One is that a tolerance of casual sexismcan inflict real commercial damage. Another is to be wary of the power handedto founders.The right person to lead a young company may not be the best one to oversee it when it has grown up.A third lesson concerns the benefits of going public. Uber’s missteps would havebecome clear much sooner with better governance and a visible share price. MrKalanick has said he needs to grow up. Leaving the firm he created, and lettingit go public as soon as possible, would show genuine maturity.

优步糟糕的负面文化不仅伤及自身,也给硅谷剩下的科技公司们上了一课。容许性别歧视确实是会给公司带来商业打击。第二点就是要提防公司的创始人们独裁。当公司已经进入正轨后,年轻的企业可能更需要一个引导者而不是一个监视人。第三个教训就是要关注上市带来的利益,比如更好的政府监管和看得见的股价,使得优步的一步步错棋能更早被发现(优步至今还未上市) 卡兰尼克声称自己还需要更成熟,事实上他离开自己创立的公司,并尽快让其上市,才能展现出真正的成熟。

going public上市

Genuine真实的 诚恳的

