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译|比赛-Nosocomial infection in Chi

2024-12-07 来源:要发发知识网

Letters to the editor

Nosocomial infection in China:Management status and solutions

To the Editor:

In China, nosocomial infection is aprominent public health concern and is associated with an annual direct economic burden of $1.5-$2.3 billion (¥10-¥15 billion). Advancesin medical technology, extensive application of novel diagnosticand therapeutic techniques, and increased adoption of traumatic and invasiveinterventions have drastically altered the source, transmission route, andsusceptible population of nosocomial infection. Emergence of multidrug-resistantbacteria has increased the proportion of refractory infections and thechallenges of infection control. China has reinforced legislation to controlnosocomial infection, drawing extensive support from society and medicalcommunity. This transition is reflected in the Chinese governmental response tothe epidemic of Middle East respiratory syndrome.




In January 2013, 99 out of 120 patientsreceiving treatments for varicosity at Donggang Social Insurance Medical Clinicwere infected with hepatitis C virus. Investigations indicated that this aggressive,multisource, and nosocomial hepatitis C virus infection resulted from repeatedsyringe use among different patients. In July 2011, 15 cataract patientsundergoing surgical treatment at an Ophthalmic Hospital in the Raodu district,Linfen, suffered from endophthalmitis. Investigation showed that patients wereinfected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa endophthalmitis, which resulted from a shortage of surgical equipment andnonstandard disinfection of the surgical instruments. In March 2009, incidenceof neonatal nosocomial infection was reported in a maternal and child careservice center in the Ji County of Tianjin. In a neonatal ward, 5 of the total6 newborns were dead. Investigations revealed a severe nosocomial infectionresulting in deaths attributed to negligence by staff with poor infection prevention andcontrol standards.


The ongoing incidence of such seriousevents reflects poor standards of nosocomial infection management.

First, inadequate medical sources and imbalancein hospital development are increasingly serious challenges. Nearly 50 millionof the total 1.3 billion people in China require hospitalization annually because of diseases or trauma. However, theChinese health care system is riddled with long wait lists, shortages, and poorequipment because of funding constraints. The national medical system is not hierarchical in structure. As aresult, most patients are traditionally segregated in large- and medium-sizedhospitals, and hospital wards have become breeding grounds for microbialpathogens, with increased risk of infection.



Second, the under-reporting of nosocomialinfection and the number of full-time staff experienced in infection controlhave been highlighted by health administrators during the performance appraisalof health care institutions. In some hospitals, hospital leaders neglect poststandardization training and continuing education of the managers involved incontrolling infection. Full-time professional staff members fail to undergotraining in nosocomial infection and occupational health. In most hospitals,target and prospective monitoring are rare, which results in delayed discoveryof high-risk areas.

Third, hospitals lack expertise and humanresources skilled in infection management. Senior managers fail to considerqualified personnel. A few health care institutions simply fill availablevacancies with retired nurses to ensure the number of required personnel in thedepartment of nosocomial infection.



Forth, drug-resistant bacteria as a resultof antibiotic abuse and unreasonable use are still important factors leading tonosocomial infection. Epidemiology studies suggest that the usage rate ofantibiotics in hospitalized patients in some regions and hospitals is still >60%,reaching a rate of 74.67%, or even exceeding 90% in the neonatal ward.Inadequate catheterization and subsequent care along with poor concept ofasepsis are other factors. Failure to comply with standard regulations of handhygiene or even handwashing after examining patients with infections, lack ofstandardized or complete disinfection of surgical instruments, failure to implementsurgical standards, failure to consider oxygen humidifiers as an important sourceof lower respiratory infection, and inappropriate measures of disinfection andisolation are some of the factors that artificially increase nosocomial infection.


A solution for improved nosocomial infection management in China has been proposed. The overall goal of the Chinese Action Plan on Prevention and Control of Nosocomial Infection (2012-2015) includes enhanced prevention and control of nosocomial infection, insisting on“scientific prevention and control, standard management, highlighting the key points, and enforcing the implementation.”The solutions are designed to improve the related technicalcriteria, upgrade and implement prevention and control measures, raise the professionalskills and capacities, and increase the quality and safety of medicines.


The following additional steps arerecommended to address the challenges of nosocomial infection:

•Governmentsat all levels must invest increasingly to improve hospital conditions. Publichospitals should be transformed into not-for-profit organizations in thenational health care system.

•Todisseminate the knowledge of nosocomial infection, the government and healthworkers should popularize and publicize new techniques and know-hows forinfection prevention and control.

•To improveenvironmental hygiene, a national system of sanitation should be created toprovide population access to adequate sanitation measures given the currentunsanitary conditions in hospitals.

•To emphasizeappropriate hospital layout, a well-developed, scientifically planned hospitalinfrastructure is essential to ensure sustainable care and development andnosocomial infection management. The government and the director of thehospital should emphasize the role of rational design of the wards and hospitallayout and balance the costs and benefits in prevention of infection.






•The hospitalinformation system (HIS) enables the control of infection by regulating all ofthe operational aspects, such as medical, administrative, financial, and legalissues and the corresponding services. The HIS is the essential technologicbackup of the environment and infrastructure in a modernized hospital system.Information sources related to nosocomial infection may be enriched using theHIS and enhance the ability of health care professionals. The HIS facilitatesorganizations in nosocomial infection management, official documentation, andensures data security.

•Evidence-basedmedicine (EBM) is intended to optimize decision-making by emphasizing the useof evidence from welldesigned research studies. According to the theory of EBM,the strongest evidence based on meta-analyses, systematic reviews, andrandomized controlled trials yields strong recommendations. Combined with thedata of epidemiologic survey and analysis, EBM may provide useful strategies toimprove nosocomial infection management. However, the inadequacy of clinical application of EBM in nosocomial infectionmanagement in China needs to be addressed.

•A no-paypolicy by the government and medical insurance organizations must beimplemented rigorously for items of nosocomial infection that are not coveredby medical insurance. This policy will encourage awareness of prevention and controlmeasures that reduce the incidence of hospital infection.



The quality of infection control is animportant indicator balancing quality of management and medical administration.During the early period of the severe acute respiratory syndrome epidemic in2002, the nosocomial infection rate of medical staff reportedly exceeded 10%because of inadequate disease knowledge. However, this rate does not representall the data because there were several hospitals or wards with a zeroinfection rate among the medical staff during the outbreak. The discrepancy isassociated with different attitudes toward infection. Overall, nosocomial infectionmanagement in China and worldwide has a long way to go.



