91. Is that why you held out?
*hold out: to resist or survive in a dangerous or difficult situation
92. The judge would only declare us deadlocked if we were evenly split.
*declare something/somebody+adj.
*be evenly split (noun)
93. If it hadn't been for juror number nine we would have convicted.
94. She exhausted us.
*exhaust: to make somebody feel very tired
synonym wear out
- exhaust somebody: Even a short walk exhausted her.
- exhaust yourself:There's no need to exhaust yourself clearing up—we'll do it.
95. Suit yourself.
*suit yourself: (informal)to do exactly what you would like
- I choose my assignments to suit myself.
96. My vote counted just as much as theirs.
*count: [intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses) to be important
- count as much as...
97. I tend to look at a person and size them up pretty quickly.
* size up somebody | size up something | size somebody up | size something up: (informal) to form a judgement or an opinion about somebody/something
98. The defendant, Jennifer?
*defendant: the person in a trial who is accused of committing a crime, or who is being sued by another person 被告
99. She never put on airs.
*put on airs 装腔作势
100. Just so I'm clear: the defense expert argued that the gunshot residue on Jennifer's hands came from the struggle.
*just so I'm clear
*argue that...
*gunshot residue 枪击残留物
*come from the struggle