nothing is difficult to the man who will try.
miss zhu
work harder, and you will make much more progress.
miss zhu no pains, no gains. i hope you will make more progress in the future.
miss zhu
the harder you work, the sooner you will improve.
miss zhu
you have to believe in yourself. that’s the secret of success. miss zhu goals determine what you are going to be.
miss zhu
victory won’t come to you unless you go to it.
miss zhu
living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. miss zhu
never put off till tomorrow what you can do today!
miss zhu
nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
miss zhu the shortest answer is doing. miss zhu well begun,half done.
miss zhu
you never know what you can do till you try.
miss zhu
one today is worth two tomorrows. miss zhu where there is a will, there is a way.
miss zhu
art is long, but life is short. miss zhu
a young idler, an old beggar. miss zhu an idle youth, a needy age.miss zhu
diligence is the mother of success. miss zhu
heaven never helps the man who will not act.
miss zhu no cross, no crown.
miss zhu
a man becomes learned by asking questions.
miss zhu care and diligence bring luck.miss zhu nothing seek,nothing find.miss zhu
as a mansows, so he shall reap. miss zhu
a good beginning is half done. miss zhu lost time is never found again. miss zhu the greatest talkers are always least doers.
miss zhu
success belongs to the persevering. miss zhu no man is born wise or learned.miss zhu
every man is the architect of his own fortune.
miss zhu not to advance is to go back. miss zhu
2015暑假班剑桥国际少儿英语(提高班) 篇二:第一学期六(1)班英语评语篇三:英语班学生评语
优秀:1. 你的勤奋和努力是班里出了名的。上课总能看到你坐得端正的身影,听到你清脆的嗓音。学习,工作你总能带着一股认真的劲儿。瞧你,字迹端正,成绩稳定,大家也很喜欢你。当然在学习过程中要善于总结经验教训哦!继续加油吧!
2. “真人不露相”这句话用在你身上最合适了,在你不爱说话的外表下,藏着一颗勤奋,努力,上进的心,再加上你的聪明,才智,你记单词,学新知识都特别快。瞧你,这一学期进步多快!要是你还能在大家面前大声地表达,那我们就更喜欢你了。加油吧,i believe you can!
4. 你是个聪明、活泼而且非常可爱的小男孩。兴趣广泛、知识全面、思维敏捷,特别使老师高兴的是,你的词汇量是多么丰富,你的回答是那么与众不同,简直棒极了。老师相信,只要你坚持努力,会取得更大的收获,相信你能将英语讲得和说中文一样棒。
5. 你是我们班的小才女,小小年纪就已经考完了剑桥三级,金章,银章,还有小学英语一级考。这要归功于你的努力与好学。老师送你一句话: 山外有山,楼外有楼。不要自满,不要停留。
6. 你是一个自觉的孩子,你知道吗,当你来问老师问题时,当你让老师批改你自己给自己默写的单词时,老师是多么高兴啊。你知道学习是为自己学的,你的努力也换来了一个个好成绩,老师相信:只要你坚持努力,会取得更大的收获。
7. 你是个优秀的孩子。无论是学习,还是工作,你总能带着一股认真的劲儿。瞧你,字迹端正,成绩稳定,大家也喜欢你。继续加油吧,你还会取得更大的进步。
8. 你的学习态度让人钦佩,每次打开你的作业本,就有一种美的享受。尽管你不多言语,但你上课能认真听讲,工作能一丝不苟地完成,老师还是很喜欢你。希望能在课堂上经常看到你高高举起的小手,听到你独到的见解,相信自己一定行。
9. 撒下一路笑声,好像从未体验过忧愁,你的快乐感染了与你一起生活的小伙伴,因此,大家都喜欢接近你。老师喜欢你课堂上聚精会神的神态,喜欢你端正清秀的字迹,更喜欢你认真踏实的学习态度。望继续努力,提高学习成绩。
10. 父母眼里你是一个懂事的孩子,同学眼中你是一个助人为乐的同学,老师眼里你是一个热爱学习的学生。因此,你常常受到老师的表扬,同学的喜欢。老师希望你能更大胆地施展自己的才华,你将是一位更优秀的学生 。
11. 你是一个待人诚恳,心地善良的孩子,忽闪着一双聪颖、智慧的眼睛,上课总是认真听讲,作业认真完成。老师惊喜于你造句的优美,口语的流畅。这些都显示了你的思维敏捷、丰富和细致。望一如既往,更上一层楼 。
12. 你那双大大的眼睛里,盛满热情聪慧。上课时,你思维敏捷,发言积极,那独到的见解令人钦佩;做作业时,你那别具一格的答案,常给老师一个意外的惊喜。其实你还有很多潜力可挖,望继续严格要求自己,取得更大的进步.较好:1你是个很有灵气的孩子,英语学习成绩在班上比较好。你学习认真,总是按时、认真完成老师的作业;你团结同学,大家都喜欢接近你。希望你严格要求自己,扩大知识面,在学习上取得更好的成绩。2你对英语的学习有广泛的兴趣和丰富的想象力。课堂上发言积极了许多,还
13. 你是一颗优质的种子,正发芽抽穗而茁壮成长,等待你的将是金秋的丰收,可千万不要以为丰收在望而稍有懈怠。speed up!
14. 你的聪明成为了让其他同学羡慕的理由,你的优异成绩也成为了你沾沾自喜的资本,老师希望你能戒骄戒躁,积极进取,更上一层楼。
15. 你很聪明,很能干,成绩优异,但如果你剔除自己的一些小缺陷,比如:粗心大意,上课不敢于开口说英语等,那么迎来的便是一个更加优秀的你。
16. 尊敬师长,团结同学,举止文明,好学向上。老师愿你再加些油,犹如不断向上的齿轮,不断努力,奋勇前进,争取更好的成绩!17. 学无止境,山外有山。我们永远不能学得最好,但可以学得更好,比别人好,比昨天的自己好。加油,你一定能超越昨天的你!
18. 在老师的眼里,你是一个乖巧的学生,在同学们的心目中,你是一个刻苦勤奋的同学,但总不能成为那颗最闪耀的star, 继续努力吧,新的征程正等着你,更大的成功也在向你招手!
良好 1. 文静的你在课堂上总是能专心地听讲,作业完成得认真又整洁。同时你也能较好地完成课堂作业。这学期来,你开始能主动发言,口头表达能力也进步了,学习成绩较稳定,老师真替你高兴。继续努力吧,相信你一定能学得更好。
2. 你有一手工整漂亮的字,作业总是能及时完成。如果在学习上你更加严格要求自己,不满足现状,提高答题质量,有竞争思想,提高自己的口语能力,那么,你一定会跟“优秀”靠得更近一些。
3. 课堂效率较高,书写工整美观,学习较自觉,老师希望以后你能更多地表现自己,积极发言,提高自己的口语能力,全面提高英语成绩!
4. 聪明机灵的小男孩,课堂上经常看到你高举的小手,每次回答问题你总是声音响亮,表情丰富。如果你能安下心下来听别人发言, 这样也能检验你的听力,相信你一定会取得更好的成绩。
5. 你有较强的责任心,与同学们相处愉快,爱劳动,讲卫生,爱护环境。学习认真主动,积极思考,大胆发言,英语成绩能一直稳步前进,老师很喜欢你,希望你继续努力,相信你一定会成功的。
6. 你能勇敢地面对英语学习中的困难,上课能积极发言。有问题能主动请教老师和同学。成绩良好,要相信自己的能力,对自己提出更高的要求,只要你肯下
7. 老师赞赏你胆大、乐观,又很关心集体;你能歌善舞,可谓多才多艺。但在学习上一定要自觉,作业要认真完成,多背背英语单词,不会的要多向老师同学请教,同时课后也要抓紧些,只要你能做到 这些,相信不久以后你的成绩会有很大的提高,老师希望看到你的成绩能像你唱歌和舞蹈一样那么优秀。
8. 你的脑子不错,现在的英语成绩在班上居中偏上,可是你的勤奋度大约只有六七成,试想一下,假如你利用好早晚自修及平时时间,更耐心一些,更细心一点,少玩一会儿,那
9. 诚实、文静是你良好的一面;能积极参加劳动,但学习则是你薄弱的一面。老师知道你也很努力学习,所以你缺少的是学习的方法,记住好的学习方法能达到事半功倍的效果。
10. 你生性好动,上课基本能够控制自己,能积极开动脑筋、举手发言,作业也比以前认真多了,但有时粗心现象较明显,自觉性还不够,成绩也不够稳定,这些可是缺点啊!以后可要注意哦!
11. 你学习认真,作业也能及时完成,但是质量却不是很高,学习态度比较端正,学习成绩良好。不过有个不好的方面就是在生活小事太过于不拘小节了,望以后改正。
12. 你是一个内向、踏实的女孩,平时话不太多,但是每次都能踏踏实实地完成老师布置的所有作业,而且按时完成,老师希望你以后上课能够积极举手发言,更活泼开朗一点。中等 1. 每次看到你,就想到你是多么聪明的孩子。可是老师希望你能正确地养成良好学习习惯,能经常跟录音机朗读,对口语的提高 有很大的帮助。
2. 活泼开朗的你,挺乐意帮助别人,却总是管不好自己。如果只贪玩不好好学习,知识会飞到你的脑子里去吗?老师赠你一句话:要学就学踏实,要玩就玩得痛快。
3. 你是诚实,热情,尊重师长的好孩子。如果你能在学习上更严格要求自己,调整自己的学习方法,让智慧放光,相信你会笑得更灿烂。
4. 你既聪明又活泼。课堂上大胆举手回答,声音响亮,成绩优良。如果你能改掉上课做小动作的毛病,那你就更棒了。加油!
5. 勤奋是一把金钥匙,它会帮你打开知识殿堂的大门;勤奋是艘巨舰,它会载你搏击知识海洋的风浪!希望你能牢牢握住这把钥匙,努力学习,不懈追求,希望的大门一定会向你敞开。
6. 在老师的眼里,你是一位很乖巧可爱的女孩,你的嗓音细嫩甜美,你的字迹潇洒漂亮。看你平时不多言多语,课堂上你却专心听讲,认真完成作业,常常受到同学和老师的赞赏。如果课堂上你也能把手举得高高的,让同学听听你那独到的见解,那就更好了!老师期待着...7. 你头脑灵活,思维活跃,小点子可多着呢。你在学习上,在生活中常常出现一些智慧的火花,出一些good idea,并愿意同大家一起分享。但是你一碰到学习上的困难,就想临阵脱逃,难道
8. 你集体荣誉感强,尊敬老师,与同学们相处融洽,能做到互帮互助;你性格活泼,开朗好动,但你学习不够认真,上课思想不够集中,发言也不积极,影响到自己的英语成绩。老师希望你今后能端正学习态度,上课专心听讲,下一番苦功夫,争取在英语学习上有所突破。
9. 你是一个活泼、开朗、好动的女孩。课堂上你那清脆悦耳的回答声给我留下了深刻印象。你能关心班级,乐于助人,这一切都是你的可贵之处。但在学习上,希望你能勤奋刻苦,不断攀登,相信凭你的聪明加上你的努力,你一定会是一名全面发展的好学生。
10. 你在校表现较好,学习认真、态度端正、积极性高,但成绩不太理想,望以后要加倍努力。同时还要注意学习的方法,记住好的学习方法能达到事半功倍的效果。当然也可以向xxx同学学习,多和他探讨,你一定会有很大的收获的。
11. 诚实谦虚,待人真诚,热爱班级,劳动积极,与同学友好相处;学习上勤奋刻苦,作业及时完成,但成绩不很稳定,个别科目有所下滑,希望合理安排时间,注意学习方法,才能不断进步!
12. 不要计较老师总批评你,其实老师是喜欢你的,喜欢你聪明,对老师、同学热情。你的成绩不理想是因为你上课没有用心听讲,如果用心听讲,你的成绩会赶上来的,那么老师会更喜欢你。和同学们来个竞赛,有勇气吗?有老师帮助你,你进步一定会很快的。
生 1. 你是一个聪明机灵的孩子,只是在英语课上过于散漫,不按时完成作业,字迹潦草,
2. 你是个性格极其内向的孩子。你并不比别人差,只因你老是闭着嘴不说话,但你知道吗?我们学习英语的目的就是和别人进行交流。为什么总是那么胆小?缺乏自信,你已失掉了不少成功的机会。老师希望你以后大胆些,主动些,你会进步的,能做到吗?
3. 活泼开朗的你,挺乐意帮助别人,却总管不好自己。你喜欢玩耍,这并不是你的缺点。可是,如果只贪玩不学习,知识会自己长翅膀飞到你的脑子里吗?英语是你最薄弱的一门学科,如果你只顾着玩又怎么能赶上其他同学呢?老师赠你一句话:要学就学个踏实,要玩就玩个痛快。
4. 你曾对老师说,有些知识不明白,可你却又从不问老师,其实学问学问,要学要问,只学不问,哪有学问。希望你再加把劲,继续努力,不懂就问,这样你的进步会更快,更大,相信不久的将来,你就会说一口流利的英语了,老师期待着你有更大的进步。
5. 在英语课上你总会皱起眉头,是听不懂吗?你会默不做声,是不知道怎么回答吗?你会在老师不注意时,做小动作,是想引起老师的关注吗?告诉老师,好吗?其实,老师时刻都在关注着你,你一点儿也不比别人差,你同样是老师最聪明的学生!对自己要有信心!敞开你的心,让老师和同学一起进入,付出努力,一定会有收获。让我们一起努力,好吗?
6. 古往今来,大凡出名的人哪一个不是跟“勤”字有关,大科学家爱因斯坦也曾说过,天 才出于百分之九十九的汗水加百分之一的天赋,可见,成功的喜悦是辛勤的汗水浇灌出的,而懒惰的人大多一事无成。你身上最大的毛病是什么--“懒”。“懒”使你迷失了学习的方向;
7. 你是位聪明的学生,想和好成绩交朋友吗?那上课可要专心听讲,不做小动作,最重要的是认真听,积极发言,你能做到吗?老师相信你可以的,对吗?
那好成绩就会跟你交朋友,老师期待 着你的进步。
8. 你是位聪明又懂礼貌的好孩子,无论老师在哪儿碰到你,你总会亲切地向老师问好,老师心里好高兴,可是当老师看到你作业本上潦草的字迹和上课经常讲悄悄话和做小动作时,不禁皱眉了,聪明的女孩,下学期你一定不会让老师失望的,对吗?
9. 见到你的第一眼,就被你那双小而有神的眼睛给吸引住了,那里盛满了顽皮、热情??课堂上,你比较好动,不时的做一些可爱的小动作,引起同学的哄笑;课间,从没见你好好休息,不管做什么游戏,你总是特别活泼、突出。可是你的成绩却不够理想,希望以后,你要以学习为重,勤奋、努力,一定会成为一名全面发展的好学生。
10. 你知道吗?每当你上课专心听讲,用一双充满求知欲的眼睛看着我,每当你认认真真、工工整整地完成作业时,老师是多么高兴,可是你为什么不能 每一天、每一次都这样自觉地做呢?相信你会努力的。
11. 当你第一次走进我们班教室时,我就喜欢上了虎头虎脑的你,但渐渐的老师发现了你身上有着懒惰、马虎的坏毛病,他们已经严重阻碍了你的进步,甚至后退。希望你早些赶走他们,使自己变得聪明起来。
12. 你渴望做一个守纪律的学生,但又常常不能约束自己。你渴望为班级争光,但又缺乏勇气与胆量。你渴望学习成绩的进步,但又缺乏顽强拼搏的精神。
【篇三:小学二年级 英语和中文评语】
prachi has been superb this entire semester. she’s always prepared to learn and
improves each day at a spectacular rate. i’m very pleased with her work. nonetheless, she can improve in writing. she tends to write too quickly and thus her writing is a little messy. she does not excel in p.e class but she always tries her best which is really positive. her personality is gentle and kind. she is a great contribution to any class. she is always one of the top students in english.
lindsay had a hard time at the beginning of the semester. she was often fighting with her peers and she didn’t listen to her teachers. she has made tremendous progress in this aspect. she is much more respectful and well behaved. still, she has room to
improve. her schoolwork is not bad. she is clever and writes carefully. she still needs to improve in class; she is too easily distracted. she plays with anything she can find on her desk and often disrupts the class with noises or loud outbursts. nonetheless, her english has improved. she is beginning to recognize basic words
and starting to use some english sentences in and outside of class. all in all, i’m very happy with her
progress but i look forward to see her improve even more.你是一个天赋异禀的孩子,非常聪明,接受能力也很强。如果你跟同学交往时声音可以再温柔一点,解决问题的时候尽量多用恰当的语言而非小手来沟通的话,老师相信大家一定会更加喜欢你、愿意成为你的好朋友的。加油哦!
tassnim did very well this semester. she has again reach a new level in comprehension and communication. she is no longer trying to catch up with the rest of the class. she is now fully able take to part in all of our class activities. she is reading with more
confidence and she understands how to use basic grammar rules. she can improve most in reading but i’m nonetheless pleased with her progress this semester. i suggest
encouraging her to read some fun children stories at home. it will help her with reading and spelling.
alex is once again one the top students of the class. he is always prepared and
rarely disappoints his teachers. his peers really appreciate him and teachers enjoy his
presence in and out of the classroom. academically he is above average in all aspects. i would like for him to talk more in class discussions and in front of the entire school. let’s encourage him to speak openly in front of bigger crowds. i will help him to gain more confidence in public speaking.
fatih has done well this semester. he is improving everyday. what is most amazing is his ability to communicate what he feels. he is incredibly creative. he tells stories to the entire class and draws very unique and creative pictures that really tell a story. academically he is one of the top students. he can and will continue to improve in reading and writing but i’m confident he will reach yet another level by the end of this school year. keep encouraging him to love school and his schoolwork. he is also a good dancer, that’s also something to consider.
susan is still a very quiet student during class but she has improved tremendously these last few months. she is participating more than she was and she really enjoys being at school. she is now able to read some basic sentences and she can recognize most of the vocabulary that we studied this semester. that is very encouraging! she excels in p.e lessons. she is the fastest runner of our class and was able to win several races during sports day. i am very happy with susan i would like her to continue in the same direction.
eva did well this semester. she is a serious and diligent student. she is one of my best pupils. her schoolwork is above average and her contribution to our class is significant. i believe she has improved greatly in participation and public speaking but she still fears to speak in front of a large crowd. i would like her to be a host or give a speech in front of the school. it would be great to boost her confidence. let’s work together to make eva perform even better than she is now.
dylan has not performed well these last few months. he is a very intelligent boy but he is also very lazy in class and rarely completes his homework. he is able to read but it is still not enough. this can only be improved with practice and hard work. he is having trouble speaking which is a concern for me. he is quite fluent in chinese but only rarely uses english to communicate. we should have a meeting to discuss how to best help dylan for the coming semester.
jerry has done well. he is communicating and understanding well. however, he is still behind in reading and writing. he has not been doing his homework and rarely reads any english books. he needs to focus more in class and ask more questions if he is unsure of my instructions. jerry is not very confident when he answers questions in class even though his spoken english is far from terrible. i
would like us to cooperate to help him read more fluently. 你是一个很聪明的孩子,古灵精怪,活泼可爱。入学以来,不管是学习上还是行为习惯上你都在不断地进步,老师看在眼里,喜在心里,从心底为你感到高兴。如果你上课能够更认真一点,注意力集中,按时完成老师们布置的作业,那就更好了。我相信你一定可以做到的,不是吗?加油,加油,加油!
justin has really amazed me this semester. he is an exemplary student. he is always ready for class with his homework completed and an open mind to learn. it is easy for him to understand new concepts and he remembers difficult language patterns with ease. i am very satisfied with his schoolwork and his involvement during class. he is also a terrific athlete. he is quick and his hand-eye coordination make him a very good goal keeper. i’m very happy with justin i would like him to continue in this way next
academically, binta is a great student. she speaks with ease and her reading level is well above average. my only concern is her behavior outside of class. she is really sweet and kind but she can also be a little cruel to her classmates and
teachers. she knows how to hurt people’s feelings which is a concern for me. she also tends to quit too easily if she is not the best at an activity or game. i have already talked with her about this. i hope it’s just a phase for her. either way i think we should monitor her behavior and see how we can help her improve.
yasti has done very well in english. reading and writing is still a little difficult for him but he is improving each day. he quickly memorizes and understands basic grammar concepts. he is very active in class and can sometimes go overboard. nonetheless, i really enjoy having him in class. my main concern is his behavior outside of class. he had some problems in his chinese lessons. the teacher didn’t know how to deal with yasti’s constant lack of disrespect and self-control. i’d like to help him become a more
behaved student. let’s work together to fix a few problems. yasti is intelligent and good-natured; i know he can do better.
sunny has done well this semester. she is a quiet student but she is not scared to take part in class discussions or to answer difficult questions. she can read and write well and she communicates without much trouble. she could improve in intonation. she is quiet and at times i have trouble deciphering what she says. i have been encouraging her to speak more loudly and more freely. i want her to
believe in her ability to speak english. she is a clever child who rarely misbehaves. she is always ready to learn and is not afraid to take on new challenges. let’s help her improve in public speaking.
kaidi has done well this semester. she communicates and writes with ease and is always well behaved in class. she is naturally quiet and thus her participation during lessons is minimal. i would like her to work on speaking more freely and with more confidence. spelling is one of her strengths but she could improve her penmanship. let’s work together to bring her up to an even higher level this coming semester.
lisa has improved this semester. she was having a hard time communicating at the beginning of the term. now, she is able to explain and answer difficult questions during class. her class participation is also very promising. however, she has been having troubles listening in class. she is very easily distracted. she is
also easily offended and tends to use violence instead of words to solve problems with her classmates. i would like for lisa to become more mature in the way she behaves during and after class. 你是一个活泼、可爱又特别聪明的孩子,既是同学们的好伙伴,又是老师的得力小助手,课堂课外常常都能看到你助人为乐的小身影,老师很喜欢这样的你。如果在上课的时候你能够更专心一点,与同学相处时再多一些包容与理解,那就更好了。我相信你一定可以做到的,努力成为最优秀的你,加油!
danish had a good semester. he has really changed his approach in his schoolwork. he is always ready for class and completes all homework assignments in a timely manner. his main problem is confidence. he is worried that he will make mistakes, which really impairs him to ever try. i think this is a serious problem that should be fixed as soon as possible. making mistakes is part of life. he needs to make mistakes to be able to improve. i need him to try more, to allow himself to make mistakes. danish is clever but he isn’t performing to the best of his abilities because of his self-confidence level. let us find a way to help him defeat his fears and conquer new challenges.
hamza has done well. he can of course do much better. he has tremendously
improved in reading and writing. he tested well on our quizzes and always contributes to our class discussions. i would like him to do more. he doesn’t
always do his
homework and rarely reads any books outside of class. i know you have a great love for education and i know you also treasure the love for books. please encourage him to find joy in reading. the scholastics books you have are wonderful stories for him. student!
let’s work together to make him an even better