专利名称:Transmission apparatus
发明人:Hattori, Hitoshi, c/o Intellectual Property
摘要:A transmission apparatus comprises a main body (20), a fixed internal gear (25), arotary internal gear (26), planetary gears (40) engaging the internal gears and a carrier(41) for holding the planetary gears so that they rotate around the central axis of the
fixed internal gear and their own axes. The first feature is to connect the carrier to a highrotational speed transmitting member (52, 65) and transmit rotation to or from thecarrier. The second feature is to make the carrier hollow, to connect a low speed shaft(29) to the rotary internal gear (26) and to permit the low speed shaft (29) to passthrough the hollow carrier (41). The third feature is to form a space (G) continuous in acircumferential direction between the fixed internal gear and the rotary internal gear, toextend flange-like members (65) radially outwardly from the outer peripheral surface ofthe carrier (41) to the outside of the internal gears (25, 26) through the space (G), and toprovide rotary seal members (101, 102) so as to surround the internal gears.
地址:72, Horikawa-cho, Saiwai-ku Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken 210 JP
代理机构:Freed, Arthur Woolf