Experts Recommend Screening Newborns for Heart Defects(1)
One of the scariest things a new parent can hear is, \"your baby has a birth defect.\" But some of the most dangerous birth defects are invisible ones, such as deformities in the baby's tiny heart. Now, a group of U.S. experts is recommending that all newborns get a simple, inexpensive screening for critical heart defects. Congenital heart disease only affects about one birth out of 120 in the United States, and only a fraction of those are considered critical. But given the number of babies born each year, it adds up.
About 3/4 of critical heart defects can be identified by routine tests already in use. \"But unfortunately there're still cases that can slip through. And the challenge is that it can be almost impossible to identify some of these cases. These are babies that otherwise look totally normal and like every other baby in the nursery.\"
Alex Kemper is a pediatrician at Duke University and a member of the expert panel that is recommending infants be screened for critical heart problems using a simple, non-invasive test called pulse oximetry. The idea is to measure the oxygen level in the blood. Low oxygen levels may signal a problem with the heart. 新生儿父母最怕听到的消息之一便是“你的宝宝有先天缺陷。” 但一些十分严重的先天缺陷
The test measures oxygen levels indirectly, by shining certain wavelengths of light through a foot or finger onto a sensor on the other side.
Kemper says it's important to identify kids with these critical heart problems early on in life.
\"Because these are conditions that really need early intervention in that if you were to discharge some of these children without providing any medical care, they could go home and even die.\" Although pulse oximetry screening is easy and cheap, the hard part comes when an infant is identified with a potential heart defect. More
advanced testing is then needed, and even in a wealthy country like the United States, not all hospitals can provide those services. So does the screening make sense in more resource-poor areas? Kemper says yes, because it can identify some hidden problems that may not require expensive, high-tech treatments.
\"Anything that causes low oxygen levels in the blood would test positive. And so, there are potential other spillover effects including identifying important infections.\"
The recommendations of the expert workgroup, including Duke University's Alex Kemper, on screening newborns for heart defects is published online by the journal Pediatrics.
Volunteering in America is an annual study. \"We have found that volunteering is core to who we are as Americans.\" Heather Peeler is a spokeswoman for the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), the federal agency that conducted the study.
\"What we've found is that volunteers are working with youth through mentoring and tutoring. More than a quarter of volunteers are helping non-profit organizations raise needed funds. And one out of five volunteers are giving what we call 'sweat hours', the general labor that's needed to help non-profit organizations run.\"
The U.S. has a long tradition of volunteering, as opposed to many European countries where government is pervasive and provides most of basic services, like free daycare for children and comprehensive medical care. In addition, recent cuts in the budgets of many U.S. states have made volunteering even more essential.
“我们了解到,许多志愿者在指导和教育青少年。 超过四分之一的志愿者在帮助非盈利组织筹集资金。五分之一的志愿者付出所谓的„苦力‟,以帮助维持非盈利机构的运营。”
Peeler says last year American volunteers provided services valued at nearly $173 billion. Utah ranked number one among the U. S. states. Among cities, Minneapolis-St. Paul, in Minnesota, led the way. \"The people in our communities in the greater twin cities say we're not just gonna complain about a problem, we're gonna do something to help solve it.\"
Kathy Saltzman is executive director of the Minnesota Education Corps. More than 900 members of this organization donate a year, without pay, to help improve children's literacy. \"If children cannot read by third grade, they have such overwhelming obstacles to overcome in order to be successful because first you learn to read, and then after third grade, you read to learn.\" 皮勒表示去年美国志愿者提供的服务价值接近1730亿美元。犹他州在美国各州中排名榜首,而明尼苏达州的双城明尼阿波利斯-圣保罗则是城市中的佼佼者。
With Tropical Storm Lee bearing down on the U.S. Gulf Coast, authorities are taking action. Oil and gas producers shut down platforms and evacuated workers from the Gulf, and the governors of Mississippi and Louisiana declared states of emergency.
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal warned of the potential for flooding. \"This is gonna be a slow moving storm. There's gonna be a lot of rain, and that water is gonna accumulate. And I think the biggest concern is that you're gonna have an accumulation of water 'cause that, that water is gonna pile up. It's gonna come so quickly and for such a long time, it's not gonna be able to drain.\"
One of the areas at risk is the Louisiana city of New Orleans. The city is more than two meters below sea level and shaped like a bowl, making it prone to flooding.
In 2005, New Orleans suffered devastating damage from Hurricane Katrina, and Mayor Mitch Landrieu is urging residents to be ready for Lee. \"We are all prepared and should
prepare for localized flooding and we've taken all necessary precautions to do that, and we're encouraging citizens in New Orleans to make their preparations. Again, you know, prepare for the worst and let's hope for the best.\"
随着热带风暴Lee逐渐向美国墨西哥湾逼近,美国政府已经开始采取行动。 油气生产者关闭了运作平台,并把工人从墨西哥湾撤出;密西西比州和路易斯安那州州长也都宣布全州处于紧急状态。
On Tuesday two men enjoyed a game of table tennis against some kids at a school in London.
They seemed like best mates. Every time one of them got a point, they did a high five.
The men were the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, and the President of the USA, Barack Obama.
The palling around took place during Mr Obama's state visit to the UK. There have been many examples of close working relationships between the leaders of the UK and the USA. Harold Macmillan and JFK, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, Tony Blair and George Bush were all examples of Brits and Americans standing shoulder to shoulder.
The closeness between Britain and America in the past has been described as \"the special relationship\". But there has been speculation that, for Mr Obama at least, the special relationship is... not that special.
Now both men are keen to show that on matters of policy they have plenty in common. In a shared opinion piece in the Times newspaper, they write of \"coming of age\" at the same time, and seeing \"eye to eye\".
As for the special relationship, they call it \"an essential relationship\". Nick Robinson, the BBC's Political Editor, says that the two men are not pretending to be bosom buddies but want to be seen as close allies. He writes:
\"'The essential relationship' may lack emotion, warmth and nostalgia but it, like the president, is meant to be contemporary, practical and sincere.\"