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实用英语词汇教案 Teaching Contents : Chapter 1

Lexicology and basic concepts of words and vocabular: 授课顺序: • • • •

A. do warming-up discussion

B. answer some questions and learn some concepts C. quickly go through the whole text D. get help

• E. conclude main points for today’s learning • F. group work

• G. assign homework or exercise Step 1 Pre-learning Activities

Check Students’ Preparation (检查预习情况) Step 2Warming-up discussion

• Discussion 1 : What is a word? • Page 3

• Word can be defined as a meaningful group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper. The definition of a word will cover the • • • • • • • •

following points:

a) a minimal free form of a language b) a sound unity

c) a unit of meaning

d) a form that can function alone in a sentence Discussion 2 What is vocabulary? Page 3

All the words in a language make up what is generally known as its vocabulary. Vocabulary is most commonly used to refer to the sum total of all

the words of a language.

Step 3 Answer some questions and learn some concepts • Questions to think over:

• 1. Explain briefly the two methods of the study of lexicology. • Page 2

• 2. Explain briefly transparent words and opaque words. • Page 4

• 3. How do you account for the role of native words in English in relation to


loan-words? • • • • • • • • • •

page 4 and page 133 Questions to think over:

4. What are the classifications of words?(如何分类单词) Page 3-4

1) full words and form words 2) popular word and learned word 3) abstract word and concrete word 4) transparent word and opaque words 5) polysemic word and monosemic word 6) native word and loan word

• Concepts to learn: • Lexicology Page 1

• Lexicology, as the science of words, is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words. English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation, and usages. • 2. word

• (We learned just now!)

• 3. vocabulary

• (We also learned just now!) Step 4 Go through the whole text

• 1.1 The definition of lexicology

• 1.1.1 The domains of English lexicology • First…Secondly… • Thirdly…Lastly…

• 1.1.2 Methods of study of lexicology • 1.2 The definition of word • 1.3 The definition of vocabulary

• 1.4 Classification of words

Step 5Helping time for solving problems.

Put up your hand and let me know if you still don’t understand the text. I will come to help !!

Step 6 Conclude main points for today’s learning • Main points for today

• 1. the definition of English lexicology • Page 1


• 2. the domains of English lexicology • Page 1

• 3. methods of study of lexicology • Page 2

• 4. the definition of word • Page 3

5. the definition of vocabulary • Page 3

• 6. Classification of words • Page 3---4 Step 7Group work

• Discussing, writing and speaking :

• Work in groups of threes or fours and think over and write on the topic Why Should a Chinese Student of English Study English Lexicology? When the group is ready, please choose one student to represent the group to make a presentation in front of the class.(先进行小组讨论,然后选一位代表来到台前陈述小组的想法和讨论结果。) Step 8Homework /Assignment

• 1. Work on all the exercises on page 5 • 2. Prepare for Chapter 2. Teaching Contents : Chapter 2

The development of the English vocabulary Part A Lecturing on exercises(讲解前一课练习) Part B Lecturing on the text(授课) 授课顺序: • • • •

A. do warming-up discussion

B. answer some questions and learn some concepts C. quickly go through the whole text D. get help

• E. conclude main points for today’s learning • F. group work

• G. assign homework or exercise Step 1 Pre-learning Activities

Check Students’ Preparation (检查预习、作业情况) Step 2Warming-up discussion

• Discussion 1 : How many languages are there in the world? How many languages families can they be grouped into?


• Page 6

• It is assumed that the world has 5,000 languages, which can be grouped into roughly 25 language families on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and brammar. They are Sino-Tibetan Family; Indo-European Family, and other 23 ones. The Indo-European language family is made up of most languages of Europe, the Near East, and India. The English language is not the language of the early inhabitants of the British Isles. The early history of English belongs to the Indo-European language family. • Discussion 2

• What are the two kinds of mehtods to classify the world languages? • Page 6

• One kind is morphological classification, and the other is structural classification.

• (说明:有两种方法可对世界上的所有语言进行分类,一种是形态划分,即根据语言的语法形态,对语言进行划分,通俗地说就是根据词的外形对语言进行划分;另一种是结构划分,即根据句法结构对语言进行划分) Step 3 Answer some questions and learn some concepts • Questions to think over:

• 1. Why do we say “English is a heavy borrower?” • Page 14 and Page 135 English owes 80% of its vecabulary to other languages. That is to say English has borrowed 80 percent of its vocabulary from other languages. In fact, the English vocabulary contains words from all the major languages of the world. No other language of the world has borrowed so heavily. Therefore, the name “ heavy borrower” best describes the characteristic of the the English vocabulary.

• 2. Enumerate the major modes of modern vocabulary development.(说出英语词汇发展的三种主要模式) • Page 14

• Modern English vocabulary develops through three channels: creation, semantic change, and borrowing.

• For details see page14 and page 136. • Concepts to learn: • 1. Isolating language Page 7

Isolating language is a language in which each word form consists typically of a single morpheme. Examples are Classical Chinese and Vietnamese. An isolating language tends also to be an analytic language.(孤立语往往也是分析


性语言 ‘analytic language’,孤立语的特点就是每一个词就是一个独立的词素,没有词尾变化)

• 2. Inflected language • Page 7

• Inflected language is a language whose nouns show their grammatical fucntion in the sentence by changes in the noun itself, and not by position. (通过词尾变化来实现语法功能的语言叫屈折语,英语可以作为其代表,屈折语也是综合性语言 „synthetic language‟。) • 3. synthetic language • Page 7

• Synthetic language refers to any language in which syntactic relations within sentences are expressed by inflection or by aggulutination(黏着). (综合性语言主要通过词尾的格、时态、语态、性、数、词素等的变化来实现句法功能。其代表有拉丁语、英语。综合性语言也可看成屈折语)

• 4. analytic language • Page 8

• Analytic language refers to any language that uses specific grammatical words, or particles, rather than inflection, to express syntactic relations within sentences. (分析性语言主要通过具体的语法词、或小品词来实现句法功能,而不是通过单词本身的词尾变化。其代表有古汉语、越南语。可把分析性语看成孤立语。) Step 4 Go through the whole text • 2.1 The world languages

• (Key words : 5000, 25, Sino-Tibetan Family, Indo-European Family) Page 6-8

• 2.1 Language classifications

• 2.2.1 Morphological classification • …….Isolating language • ……Inflected language • ……Agglutinative language • • • • •

…..Ploysynthetic language 2.2.2 Structural classification ….Synthetic language ….Analytic language

2.3 The Indo-European language family

• See the tree diagram on page 8 !

• 2.4 The historical overview of English vocabulary • 2.4.1 Old English (450-1150)


• Page 9-11

• Key words: Celts→the Romans’ Latin→ Angles, Saxons, and Jutes→ Angles’ land→England→ English→

the Roman missinaries→Norwegian and Danish Vikings→ Scandinavian words→pronunciation→ Vocabulary

• 2.4.2 Middle English (1150-1500) • Page 11

• Key words: →1066 Normans→Norman French →characteristics (9000 French words, many inflections retained, spelling and pronunciation) • 2.4.3 Modern English(1500-up to now)

• Page 12

• Key words: →the Renaisssance→the Bourgeois Revolution →Industrial Revolution →thousands of new words were created or translated into English

→characteristics( word endings were lost, rapid expansion of English vocabulary)

• 2.5 Three main sources of new words of the present-day English vocabulary • Page 13

• 2.5.1 The rapid development of modern science and technology(software, input, etc.) • 2.5.2 Social, economic, and political changes (credit card, sexism etc.) • 2.5.3 The influence of other cultures and languages • 2.6 Modes of the development of the English vocabulary • Page 14

• 2.6.1 Creation

• 2.6.2 Semantic change • 2.6.3 Borrowing

Step 5 Helping time for solving problems.

Put up your hand and let me know if you still don’t understand the text. I will come to help !!

Step 6 Conclude main points for today’s learning • 1. the definition of isolating language • Page 7

• 2. the definition of inflected language • Page 7 • 3. the definition of synthetic language • Page 7

• 4. the definition of analytic language


• Page 8

5. the tree diagram for the Indo-European language family • Page 8

• 6. The historical overview of English vocabulary • Page 9---12

• Old English (450-1150) • Middle English(1150-1500)

• Modern English(1500-up to now)

7. Three main sources of new words of the present-day English vocabulary ----The rapid development of modern science and technology ----Social, economic, and political changes

----The influence of other cultures and languages

8. Modes of the development of the English vocabulary ----Creation

----Semantic change ----Borrowing Step 7Group work

• Discussing, writing and speaking :

• Work in groups of threes or fours and think over and write on the topic Why should a Student of English Lexicology Study the Knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family? When the group is ready, please choose one student to represent the group to make a presentation in front of the class.(先进行小组讨论,然后选一位代表来到台前陈述小组的想法和讨论结果。)

Step 8Homework /Assignment

• 1. Work on all the exercises on page 15-16 • 2. Prepare for Chapter 3. Teaching Contents : Chapter 3

The structure of English words and word-formation in English Part A Lecturing on exercises(讲解前一课练习) Part B Lecturing on the text(授课) 授课顺序: • • • • •

A. do warming-up discussion

B. answer some questions and learn some concepts C. quickly go through the whole text D. get help

E. conclude main points for today’s learning


• F. group work

• G. assign homework or exercise Step 1 Pre-learning Activities

Check Students’ Preparation (检查预习、作业情况) Step 2Warming-up discussion

• Discussion 1 : Can you guess the meaning of some words by their roots? Give an example. • Page 17

• Of course! We can guess words’ meaning if they have roots. Learn the 100 Latin and Greek roots that among them yield 5000 derivatives. Once you know these terms, you can sight-read(轻易辨认)the literal meaning or words derived from them. For example, if you know the meaning of the word teach, you will know a teacher is a person who instructs others • Discussion 2

• What is morphology? • Page 17

• Morphology is a term for the branch of linguistics, which is concerned with the forms of words in different uses and constructions. • 说明:形态学是语言学分支的一个术语,研究的是不同的使用和结构中的词形,通俗地说,就是研究单词的外形结构。例如,某个单词是以ed为结尾的(regarded),而另一个单词是以im为词头(impossible) Step 3Answer some questions and learn some concepts • Questions to think over:

• 1. How many word-formations are mentioned in the text? (构词法) • Page 22 and Page 32

Seven word-formations are mentioned . They are: 1) Affixation: Prefixation & Suffixation 2) Compounding 3) Conversion 4) Blending 5) Clipping 6) Acronymy 7) Back-formation

2. Both initialisms and acronyms are formed to a certain extent from initial letters. Is there any difference between them? Please explain them with examples.

• Page 43

• Initialism is a word formed from initial letters and pronounced as a normal word. BBC, GMT, WHO, ISBN, FBI are all initialisms and SARS, ROM,


UNESCO are acronyms.

• Concepts to learn:

• 1. morphemes (词素) Page 17

• A morpheme is the minimal meaningful units of which the language is composed. (词素是构成语言的最小的、有意义的单位。) • 2. morphs (形素)

• The phonetic or orthographic strings or segments, which realize morphemes are termed “morphs”. Thus in the form –un, touch, -able, -s, the segmented portions are morphs, each of which represents a morpheme. Morphs are said to represent morphemes; morphemes may be represented by one or more than one morph. • Page 18 (用来具体实现词素的字母组合或片段,称作形素。词素是要通过形素来体现的,同一个词素可由一个或一个以上的词素来体现。例如,词素“un-”表达的是否定的意思,但是有时候un会演变为ir、im、ir等等,但是,他们都表达同一个意思,那就是„否定‟。) • 3. allomorphs

• Page 18 词素变体

• The various morphs, which represent one morpheme, are called allomorphs. Some morphemes are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a words. Such alternative(不同的) morphs are known as • • •


4. free morpheme & bound morpheme Page 19

A free morpheme is one that can be uttered alone with meaning. A free morpheme is viewed as a word, in the traditional sense, for example, sag, rye, woo, are free morphemes.

A bound morpheme never occurs in isolation, that is , is not regularly uttered alone in normal situations. Therefore, we say that a bound morpheme cannot stand by itself as a complete utterance; it must apppear with at least one other morpheme, free or bound.

• 5. bound root • Page 20

• A bound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning like a free root. It is a bound form, so it has to combine with other morphemes to make words. • 6. affixes • Page 20 词缀

• Some bound morphemes(affixes) are attached to the end of words to


indicate grammatical relationships, thus they are known as inflectional • • •


7. derivational affixes Page 21

Derivational affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create new words. Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes come before the word and the suffixes after the word, for instance, teach+ er=teacher, boss+y=bossy. 8. root Page 21

A root is the basic form of a word, which cannot be further analyzed. The

• • •

root, whether free or bound, generally carries the main component of meaning in a word.

Step 4 Go through the whole text • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

3.1 The structure of English words

3.1.1 The morphological structures of words. Key words: morphology morpheme morphs


3.1..2 Types of morphemes free morphemes bound morphemes: bound roots affixes :

..inflectional affixes ..derivational affixes

3.1.3 Root, stem and base

3.2 Word-formation in English(构词法) 3.2.1 Affixation(prefixation and suffixation) 3.2.2 Compounding (复合词) 3.2.3 Conversion(转类法) 3.2.4 Blending (拼缀法) 3.2.5 Clipping (截短法)

• 3.2.6 Acronymy (首字母拼音法:包含首字母缩 略和首字母拼音)

• 3.2.7 Back-formation (逆生法:去掉或脱落一个现存的词的词缀以构成



Step 5 Helping time for solving problems.

Put up your hand and let me know if you still don’t understand the text. I will come to help !!

Step 6 Conclude main points for today’s learning • Main points for today

• 1. the definition of morphology • Page 17

• 2. the definition of morpheme • Page 17

• 3. the definition of morph • Page 18

• 4. the definition of allomorph • Page 18

5. the definition of free morpheme & bound morpheme • Page 19

• 6. the definition of inflectional affixes and derivational affixes • Page 20-21

• 7. the definition of root Page 21

• 8. Eight ways of word-formation in English

• Page 22-33 Step 7Group work

• Discussing, writing and speaking :

• Work in groups of threes or fours and think over and write on the topic How Word-formation Has Benefited Me in English Vocabulary Learning? When the group is ready, please choose one student to represent the group to make a presentation in front of the class.(先进行小组讨论,然后选一位代表来到台前陈述小组的想法和讨论结果。) Step 8 (老师将选择部分重点讲解) Homework /Assignment

• 1. Work on the exercises on page 33-43,just do those numbered 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11,12, 13(重点), 14, 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22。本课练习较多,比较花时间,请大家认真完成,因为很实用 • 2. Prepare for Chapter 4. Teaching Contents : Chapter 4 Word meaning

Part A Lecturing on exercises(讲解前一课练习)


Part B Lecturing on the text(授课) 授课顺序:

• A. do warming-up discussion

• B. answer some questions and learn some concepts • C. quickly go through the whole text • D. get help

• E. conclude main points for today’s learning • F. group work

• G. assign homework or exercise Step 1 Pre-learning Activities

Check Students’ Preparation (检查预习、作业情况) Step 2Warming-up discussion

• Discussion 1 : When talking about meaning, broadly speaking, there are two schools of thoughts in present-day linguistics, what are they? • Page 44

• Broadly speaking, there are two schools of thoughts in present-day linguistics; the “analytical” or “referential” approach, which seeks to grasp the essence of meaning by resolving it into its main components, and the “operational” or “contextual” approach, which studies words in action and is less interested in what meaning is than in how it works. • • • •

Discussion 2

What is motivation? How many motivations are mentioned in the text? Page 47 理据

Motivation accounts for the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning . A great many words are entirely conventional, and other words are motivated in various ways. The four motivations are: 1) Onomatopoeic motivation 2) Morphological motivation 3) Semantic motivation

• • • •

• 4) Etymological motivation

Step 3Answer some questions and learn some concepts • Questions to think over:

1. How many types of meaning are mentioned in the text? • Page 50-54

Four types of meaning are mentioned . They are: 1) Grammatical meaning 语法意义 2) Lexical meaning 词汇意义


3) Conceptual meaning 概念意义

4) Associative meaning 关联意义(包含以下4点) -----Connotative meaning(内涵意义) ------Stylistic meaning(文体意义) ------Affective meaning(感情意义) -------Collocative(搭配意义)

• 2. What does semantic motivation mean? According to semantic motivation, words’ meaning develops by two patterns, what are they? • Page 48-49

• Semantic motivation refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning of a word. It explains the connection between the literal sense and figurative sense of the word. The two patterns that words’ meaning develops are: the pattern of inwards and outwards, and the pattern of wider pattern. • • • •

Concepts to learn:

1. reference(所指关系) Page 45

Reference is the relationship between language and the world. By means of reference, a speaker indicates which things in the world are being talked about. In other words, only when a connection has been established between the linguistic sign and a referent(所指物), i. e. an object, a phenomenon, a person, etc, does the sign become meaningful. Reference is the essential element of semantics. (所指关系是语义的基本要素) 2. Concept Page 46 概念

Concept, which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind. It is universal to all men alike regardless of culture, race, and language. 3. Sense Page 46-47

• • •

• •

• Generally speaking, the meaning of “ meaning” , is what is termed “sense”. Unlike reference, “sense” denotes the relationships inside the language. Every word that has meaning has sense, but not every word has reference. Sense is the meaning of a word in a language. (注:Sense强调语言内的语义,有的语言学家干脆把sense=concept=reference) • 4. Connotative meaning • Page 51 (内涵意义)

• Connotative meaning refers to associations suggested by the conceptual


meaning, traditionally known as connotations. It is not an essential part of the word meaning, but associations that might occur in the mind of a particular user of the language. These connotations/associations are not given in the dictionary, but associated with the word in actual context to particular readers or speakers.(内涵意义不是字典里的意义,而是不同的人和语境之下的关联意义)

5. affective meaning Page 53 感情意义

Affective meaning indicates the speaker’s attitude towards the person or thing in question.

6. Collocative meaning 搭配意义 Page 54

• • • •

• Collocative meaning consists of the associations (关联) a word acquires in its collocation. In other words, it is that part of the word meaning suggested by the words before or after the word in discussion. (由某词前后的词汇给该词所带来的那部分意义) • 7. Conceptual meaning • Page 51 概念意义

• Conceptual meaning is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word meaning. Conceptual meaning forms the basis for communication and it is constant and relatively stable. • 8. Associative meaning • Page 51 关联意义

• Associative meaning is a summary term, consisting of collocative meaning, affective meaning, stylistic meaning, and connotative meaning, for they all have the same open-ended, indeterminate character, and lend themselves to analysis in terms of scales or ranges, rather than in discrete either-this-or-that-terms. (关联意义是开放性的,并非“非此即彼”。受诸多因素的影响,即便是同一个单词,在不同的环境下,其意义或许是很不同的。)

Step 4 Go through the whole text • • • • •

4.1 Meaning

4.1.1 Analytical (referential )definitions of meaning Key words:

Basic triangle(强调词汇内部的静态涵义),注意语义三角的关系。

4.1.2 Operational /contextual definitions of meaning(研究词汇实际运用中

的意义) • Key words:

• The meaning of a word is its use in the language.


• 4.2 Meanings of meaning • • • • • • • • • •

4.2.1 Reference Page 45 4.2.2 Concept Page 46 4.2.3 Sense Page 46 4.3 Types of motivation Page 47-50 *** Onomatopoeic motivation *** Morphological motivation

*** Semantic motivation( two patterns) *** Etymological motivation 4.4 Types of meaning

4.4.1 Grammatical meaning Page 50

• 4.4.2 Lexical meaning Page 51 • 4.4.3 Conceptual meaning Page 51 • 4.4.4 Associative meaning Page 51-54

• including : Connotative meaning

• Stylistic meaning • Affective meaning • Collocative meaning Step 5Helping time for solving problems.

Put up your hand and let me know if you still don’t understand the text. I will come to help !

Step 6 Conclude main points for today’s learning • Main points for today

• 1. the definition of reference • Page 45

• 2. the definition of concept • Page 46

• 3. the definition of motivation • Page 47

• 4. the definition of associaative meaning

• Page 51

• 5. The “basic triangle” on page 44

• 6. What is semantic motivation? What are the two patterns that words’ meaning develops according to semantic motivation? • Page 48-49

• 7. The four types of motivation • Page 47-50

• 8. The four types of meaning


• Page 50-54

Step 7Group work

• Discussing, writing and speaking :

• Work in groups of threes or fours and think over and write on the topic Affective meaning varies from individual to individual, from culture to culture, from generation to generaation, from society to society. When the group is ready, please choose one student to represent the group to make a presentation in front of the class.(先进行小组讨论,然后选一位代表来到台前陈述小组的想法和讨论结果。)

Step 8 (老师将选择部分重点讲解)Homework /Assignment • 1. Work on the exercises on page 54-56,just do those numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7

• 2. Prepare for Chapter 5.


考 试 题 型 说 明

大题数: 7 计分: 100 时间: 120分钟

(1) 单项选择题 10分(每小题1分)(2) 教程内容填空题 10分(每空1分)

(3) 匹配题20分(每小题1分,分为词根与其意义匹配以及词汇与词义匹配两个小部分) (4) 判断题 15分(True or False, 每小题1分,共15小题)

(5) 术语解释题 15分(每小题3分,共5小题)(6) 简答题 15分(每小题5分,共3小题)(7) 论述题 15分(1小题,15分)考试以及学习能力层次要求的分数比例: 记忆: 20% 理解: 30% 简单运用: 30% 综合运用: 20%

