专利名称:DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSDUCER发明人:BICE J,US,TIMM W,US申请号:US3762208D申请日:19711111公开号:US3762208A公开日:19731002
摘要:A housing structure defines opposing sealed fluid pressure chambers separatedby a thin flexible metal diaphragm formed integrally with a surrounding retaining ringand a narrow thickened beam portion extending radially across the diaphragm. A smallcavity is formed extending into one end of the beam portion. Strain gages, electricallycoupled as a differential bridge circuit, are applied to opposite walls of the cavity in thearea of maximum bending stress to measure the compresson strain on one wall and thetension on the other resulting from deflection of the diaphragm and its beam portion bypressure differences in the opposing chambers.